A Terraform provider for configuring the Drone continuous delivery platform.
This is a fork of this Drone provider that is a fork of this other provider which does not appear to be maintained anymore.
You can download the plugin from the Releases page, for help installing please refer to the Official Documentation.
You can browse documentation on the Terraform provider registry.
To install from source:
git clone git://github.com/mavimo/terraform-provider-drone.git
cd terraform-provider-drone
go get
go build
In order to have a fully functional development environment with an instance of drone you can bootstrap all the requirement parts using docker compose.
This command will start all the required elements
docker compose -f .github/workflows/acceptance-tests/docker-compose.yaml up -d
than -once all the containers are up & running- execute:
docker compose -f ".github/workflows/acceptance-tests/docker-compose.yaml" exec gitea-mysql mysql -uroot -pgitea gitea -e 'SOURCE /tmp/gitea-data.sql'
curl -k -X POST "http://terraform:terraform@localhost:3000/api/v1/user/repos" -H "content-type: application/json" --data '{"name":"hook-test"}'
docker compose -f ".github/workflows/acceptance-tests/docker-compose.yaml" exec drone-mysql mysql -uroot -pdrone drone -e 'SOURCE /tmp/drone-data.sql'
curl -XPOST -H 'Authorization: Bearer 5PVYqFHjdYWpzyOk6PVj9OUQULibBJeL' http://localhost:8000/api/user/repos
To have a fully functional instance of drone (running on http://localhost:8000) connected to a gitea (running on http://localhost:3000) instance.
Than you can use the drone cli using the token 5PVYqFHjdYWpzyOk6PVj9OUQULibBJeL
drone -t 5PVYqFHjdYWpzyOk6PVj9OUQULibBJeL -s http://localhost:8000/ info
NOTE: during the drone login you will be redirected to the http://gitea-server:3000/ replace the host name with localhost to continue.
This project is licensed under the MIT licence.
This project uses Semantic Versioning.