- Pro
fluentui Public
Forked from microsoft/fluentuiFluent UI web represents a collection of utilities, React components, and web components for building web applications.
trie-typescript Public
A simple alphanumeric Trie implemented in Typescript.
typescript-node Public
A clean slate nodeJS & typescript project
Redux Public
A small redux practice project
web_scraping Public
A web scraping script for stackoverflow
sanitize-html Public
Forked from apostrophecms/sanitize-htmlClean up user-submitted HTML, preserving whitelisted elements and whitelisted attributes on a per-element basis. Built on htmlparser2 for speed and tolerance
DefinitelyTyped Public
Forked from DefinitelyTyped/DefinitelyTypedThe repository for high quality TypeScript type definitions.
Advent-of-Code Public
Advent of Code
kentcdodds.com Public
Forked from kentcdodds/old-kentcdodds.comKent's Homepage
create-react-app-uifabric Public
Forked from microsoft/create-react-app-uifabricA Create React App based starter with UI Fabric goodness baked in
StreamingSystemsEvaluation Public
A Reliable Benchmark Framework for Streaming Systems. This is an instrumentation tool based on DS2, Flink and NEXMark in order to evaluate the performance of streaming systems.
adoptme Public
React Workshop - https://frontendmasters.com/courses/complete-react-v5/destructuring-props/
database_interface Public
Database interfaces (Maria_db, MySQL, PostgreSQL) in Python
java-playground Public
Solutions to online problems with Java
Machine-Learning Public
Various practice code I have written for ML
Filesystem Public
A filesystem in C++
Trusted-Document-Storage Public
A non-repudiation Trusted Document Storage in cloud implemented in python
Advanced-Java-Design Public
Java project to highlight the correct use of abstract classes, interfaces and various design patterns.
SPARK_Ada Public
SPARK analysis & proof tools.
Compose a docker environment for bench-marking apps in cloud
Big-Data-Group-Project Public
Data manipulation, optimal prediction with ALS and communities detection with Newman-Girvan algorithm
Newman-Girvan-MapReduce Public
A MapReduce approach to Newman-Girvan Algorithm
Mouse-movement Public
A python script that keeps your mouse moving and prevents you from showing as 'away'
SIGMOD-2016 Public
Finding shortest path in dynamic graph
Echo-wave Public
Distributed Algorithms - Echo Wave Algorithm
bufferOverflowAttack Public
A buffer overflow attack
Assembly Public
A sorting & transpose algorithm in assembly