vue-atomic-design Public template
Vue front-end boilerplate based on atomic design methodology
vue3-atomic-design Public template
Vue3 boilerplate based on atomic design methodology
express-passport-boilerplate Public template
A HTTP server (back end only) with DB support & auth features
atomic-react-redux Public template
A React & Redux boilerpalte following atomic design methodlogy
baresip-wrapper Public
A NodeJS wrapper for BareSIP
vue-todo-list Public
ToDo List sample app based on Vue + Vuex + Vuetify + Vee-Validate
angular-relative-day Public
The filter displays relative day name (according to the console) e.g. today, tomorrow, yesterday and etc.
jquery-truncate-html Public
Forked from pathable/truncateTruncate HTML down to defined characters number not breaking the HTML structure