Immutable data structures for JavaScript which are backwards-compatible with normal JS Arrays and Objects.
styled-components highlighting support in IntelliJ editors
React higher order component to create multiline ellipsed boxes.
Packing your Node.js application into a single executable.
A React component for playing a variety of URLs, including file paths, YouTube, Facebook, Twitch, SoundCloud, Streamable, Vimeo, Wistia and DailyMotion
The Select Component for React.js
A JavaScript library to position floating elements and create interactions for them.
LoopBack makes it easy to build modern applications that require complex integrations.
Package your Node.js project into an executable
🌟 Simple redux implementation added to an app created with create-react-app
🔥 An extremely fast, React-like JavaScript library for building modern user interfaces
Set up a modern web app by running one command.
React port of jschr's better bootstrap modals