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Contributing to Algolia for Magento 2

Contributions to the codebase are done using the fork & pull model. This contribution model has contributors maintaining their own copy of the forked codebase (which can easily be synced with the main copy). The forked repository is then used to submit a request to the base repository to “pull” a set of changes (hence the phrase “pull request”).

Contributions can take the form of new components/features, changes to existing features, tests, bug fixes, optimizations or just good suggestions.

The development team will review all issues and contributions submitted by the community. During the review we might require clarifications from the contributor.

Contribution requirements

  1. Contributions must pass Continous Integration checks.
  2. Pull requests (PRs) have to be accompanied by a meaningful description of their purpose. Comprehensive descriptions increase the chances of a pull request to be merged quickly and without additional clarification requests.
  3. Commits must be accompanied by meaningful commit messages.
  4. PRs which include bug fixing, must be accompanied with step-by-step description of how to reproduce the bug.
  5. PRs which include new logic or new features must be submitted along with:
  6. All automated tests are passed successfully:
    • CircleCI Magento 2.3
    • CircleCI Magento 2.4
    • CircleCI Quality Tools (phpcs and php compatibility)

Contribution process

If you are a new GitHub user, we recommend that you create your own free github account. By doing that, you will be able to collaborate with the Magento 2 development team, “fork” the Magento 2 project and be able to easily send “pull requests”.

  1. Fork the repository according to Fork instructions
  2. Create and test your work
    • Write tests
  3. Commit your work:
  4. When you are ready, send us a pull request
  5. Once your contribution is received, the development team will review the contribution and collaborate with you as needed to improve the quality of the contribution.

Continuous Integration checks

Automated continous integration checks are run on CircleCI.

Integration tests

Integration tests are run via PHPUnit and the extension follows Magento 2 framework to run integration tests.


  1. Copy test's database config to Magento integration tests directory
    cp [[extension_root_dir]]/dev/tests/install-config-mysql.php [[magento_root_dir]]/dev/tests/integration/etc/install-config-mysql.php
  2. Fill the correct DB credentials to the newly created config file
  3. The tests use Algolia credentials from ENV variables:
    • ALGOLIA_APPLICATION_ID (mandatory)
    • ALGOLIA_SEARCH_API_KEY (mandatory)
    • ALGOLIA_API_KEY (mandatory)
    • INDEX_PREFIX (optional, defaults to "magento20tests_")
    • The variable can be set either:
      • Globally by exporting them ($ export ALGOLIA_APPLICATION_ID=FOO, repeat for each var)
      • Manually when running the tests ($ ALGOLIA_APPLICATION_ID=FOO ...other vars... testsRunningCommand)


$ cd [[magento_root_dir]]/dev/tests/integration
$ ../../../vendor/bin/phpunit ../../../vendor/algolia/algoliasearch-magento-2/Test

Coding Style

To check the coding style the extension uses PHP-CS-Fixer.

The fixer follow Magento 2 default rules and in addition some extra rules defined by the extension's development team. The concrete rules can be found here:

  • Magento's default rules - can be found in the root directory of Magento 2 installation in .php_cs.dist file
  • Extension's rules

Definitions of each rule can be found in the documentation of PHP-CS-Fixer.



$ cd [[magento_root_dir]]
$ php vendor/bin/php-cs-fixer fix vendor/algolia/algoliasearch-magento-2 --config=vendor/algolia/algoliasearch-magento-2/.php_cs -v --using-cache=no --allow-risky=yes --dry-run


$ cd [[magento_root_dir]]
$ php vendor/bin/php-cs-fixer fix vendor/algolia/algoliasearch-magento-2 --config=vendor/algolia/algoliasearch-magento-2/.php_cs -v --using-cache=no --allow-risky=yes

Comments (not annotations)

Comments should be used only in rare cases where it really helps others (or your future self) to understand what the code does.

The code itself should be self descriptive. Each time you want to comment a code think first about rewriting the code to be more self explanatory. E. g. extract the piece of code to a better named class / method, which will describe what the code does.

Example of a bad comment:

 * Method gets user ID
public function getUserId() { ... }

Example of a good comment:

// In $potentiallyDeletedProductsIds there might be IDs of deleted products which will not be in a collection
if (is_array($potentiallyDeletedProductsIds)) {
    $potentiallyDeletedProductsIds = array_combine(

To learn more about good commenting you can read:

Static analysis

For static analysis check the extension uses Magento Extension Quality Program Coding Standard library. It is a set of rules and sniffs for PHP_CodeSniffer.

It allows automatically check your code against some of the common Magento and PHP coding issues, like:

  • raw SQL queries
  • SQL queries inside a loop
  • direct class instantiation
  • unnecessary collection loading
  • excessive code complexity
  • use of dangerous functions
  • use of PHP superglobals'

This tool is used on official Magento Marketplace and automatically checks the extension during upload.

The tool let the WARNINGs go, but rejects the extension when ERROR appears.

Try to avoid both, warnings and errors, but only ERROR prevents a pull request from being merged for now. This policy may change in a future.


Install the tool via Composer next to your Magento instance:

$ composer create-project --repository= magento/marketplace-eqp magento-coding-standard


[[magento-coding-standard_dir]]/vendor/bin/phpcs --runtime-set ignore_warnings_on_exit true --ignore=dev,Test [[magento_root_dir]]/vendor/algolia/algoliasearch-magento-2 --standard=MEQP2 --extensions=php,phtml

Quality Tools

As an alternative to testing Code Styling and Static Analysis individually, you can use our Quality Tools tool that our CircleCI integration check against, to lint and test your changes.

You can install the tool via composer:

composer global require algolia/magento2-tools

Make sure to place Composer's system-wide vendor bin directory in your $PATH so the magento2-tool executable can be located by your system.

Finally, you can launch the quality tools with:

{command} path/to/magento/extension

Here is the list of available commands:

  • magento2-lint: Runs the linter and fixes the found issues - configuration file under algoliasearch-magento-2/.php_cs.

  • magento2-types: Runs the type checker and displays the found issues - configuration file under algoliasearch-magento-2/phpstan.neon.

  • magento2-php-compatibility: Checks if your code is compatibility between multiple all php versions supported by magento.

  • magento2-test: Runs all previous commands in --dry-run mode.