Releass ^2.0.9
Copyright:Ant financial services group
Please see the API docs for the most up-to-date documentation.
You need the following Integration information before starting:
Please see the developer docs for help with getting the above information.
see ./ams-dotnet/src/example/Program.cs
for more demo usage.
Create optimal payment experiences for your customers by following these best practices for integrations.
We provide an API mocking tool(currently in BETA version) for you to easily test exceptional cases.
Below are some of the default out-of-box mocking rules that basically use the payment amount value to identify the desired mock response:
API | when which input parameter | equals what | then you get a response of |
ams/api/v1/payments/pay | payToAmount.value | 9901 | UNKNOWN_EXCEPTION |
ams/api/v1/payments/pay | payToAmount.value | 9902 | network timeout |
ams/api/v1/payments/inquiryPayment | payToAmount.value of the corresponding PAY request | 9903 | UNKNOWN_EXCEPTION |
ams/api/v1/payments/inquiryPayment | payToAmount.value of the corresponding PAY request | 9904 | network timeout |
To use this mocking tool:
- Set gatewayUrl=
- Set alipayPublicKey to a fixed value that you can get from us through
Pass all the acceptance test cases in the Alipay Developer Center to ensure a high quality integration. Especially, test exceptions by using test cases.
If you have any question or feedbacks regarding this sdk, please contact us at
For other tech integration related issues, please reach us through
See Digital signature for details about the signature algorithm used for data transmission.
provides static utility methods that you can directly use.
Date | Version | Content | Backward compatible? |
2020/11/13 | 1.1 | Add Cashier Payment and Auto Debit support. | YES |
2020/10/10 | 1.0 | v1 release | - |