- Rosario, Santa Fe, Argentina
- Pro
A collection of hardware tests that were used to validate the accuracy of PCSX2
A set of test programs run on a PS2, with accompanying results.
A homebrew SDK/pseudo-operating system for the Sega Dreamcast. This repository is a mirror of the official SourceForge repository for KOS.
Repo for Nirvana merch E-commerce web application, frontend development. Made with React. Final project for uni subject "Professional Practice".
pridirenzo / gym-frontend
Forked from sofiamazzurco/FrontGimnasioRepo for diagnostic activity from uni subject "Computer Lab IV", frontend development.
pridirenzo / dragon-cinema-api
Forked from FabriLat/TPI-P3-2024API Rest developed with NET 8 for "Dragon Cinema" web app using Clean Architecture, JWT tokens and data persistence on SQLite with Entity Framework. Final project for uni subject "Programming III".
pridirenzo / dragon-cinema
Forked from FabriLat/TPI-Lab3-2024A cinema web app made with React.js, Bootstrap and FakeAPI data persistence. Final project for uni subject "Computer Lab III".
Verilog Ethernet components for FPGA implementation
Voilà, install macOS on ANY Computer! This is really and magic easiest way!
Apple Macintosh System Software 7.1 source leak (m68k + basic PPC)
A shield for the Arduino Mega that can back up video game cartridges.
An implementation of Typed Assembly Language (Morrisett, Walker, Crary, Glew)