All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. See standard-version for commit guidelines.
- Setup standard-version (e75aa8d)
- Connection drop (MQTT Listener) - check connection status and re-connect once connection was dropped (fcd8db3)
- secure fix by upgrade dependencies (4a19dbe)
- Setup standard-version (e75aa8d)
- Connection drop (MQTT Listener) - check connection status and re-connect once connection was dropped (fcd8db3)
- Setup standard-version (e75aa8d)
- Connection drop (MQTT Listener) - check connection status and re-connect once connection was dropped (fcd8db3)
- Setup standard-version (e75aa8d)
- Connection drop (MQTT Listener) - check connection status and re-connect once connection was dropped (fcd8db3)
- Setup standard-version (e75aa8d)
- Connection drop (MQTT Listener) - check connection status and re-connect once connection was dropped (fcd8db3)
Remove unreliable functionalities (MQTT)
Improve desk movement accuracy
Support multiple desk connection using profiles
Allow specify bluetooth adapter
Detect linak resistance safety mechanism
Setup standard-version (e75aa8d)
- Connection drop (MQTT Listener) - check connection status and re-connect once connection was dropped (fcd8db3)