Thanks to all the contributors with 100+ commits from Eigen, and pre-OSS Eigen. In no particular order:
- Orta Therox - orta - @orta
- Leonard Grey - speednoisemovement - @speednoisemovement
- Laura Brown - 1aurabrown
- Daniel Doubrovkine - dblock - @dblockdotorg
- Ash Furrow - ashfurrow - @ashfurrow
- Eloy Durán - alloy - @alloy
- Dustin Barker - dstnbrkr - @dstnbrkr
- Robert Böhnke - robb - @ceterum_censeo
- Claudiu-Vlad Ursache - ursachec - @ursachec
- Kieran Gillen - kierangillen - @kierangillen
- Maxim Cramer - mennenia - @mennenia
- Luc Succes - l2succes - @lucsucces
- Sarah Scott - sarahscott
- David Sheldrick - ds300 - @djsheldrick
- Ashley Jelks - ashleyjelks - @AshTheYogiDev
- Lily Pace - lilyfromseattle - @lilyfromseattle
- Sarah Weir - sweir27 - @sweir27
- Yuki Nishijima - yuki24 - @yuki24
- Jory Steifel - jorystiefel
- Brian Beckerle - brainbicycle
- Pavlos Vinieratos - pvinis
- Chris Pappas - damassi
- Matt Dole - mdole