flame grill your webpages for easy digestion
web page to test
flamegrill [command] [options]
run flamegrill against specified input
name for given scenario
URL for scenario under test
optional reference scenario to compare against
location to store intermediate files (default: cwd)
location to store test results (default: cwd)
help message
$ flamegrill cook -n SplitButton -s "http://fabricweb.z5.web.core.windows.net/pr-deploy-site/refs/heads/master/perf-test/index.html?scenario=SplitButtonNew&iterations=5000"
$ flamegrill cook -n SplitButton -s "http://fabricweb.z5.web.core.windows.net/pr-deploy-site/refs/heads/master/perf-test/index.html?scenario=SplitButtonNew&iterations=5000" -r "http://fabricweb.z5.web.core.windows.net/pr-deploy-site/refs/heads/master/perf-test/index.html?scenario=SplitButton&iterations=5000"
$ flamegrill cook -n SplitButtonNew -s "http://fabricweb.z5.web.core.windows.net/pr-deploy-site/refs/heads/master/perf-test/index.html?scenario=SplitButtonNew&iterations=5000" -o out -t temp
Flamebearer is an inspiration for this project and is used to generate flamegraphs. Parts of Flamebearer have been modified and expanded upon to add more functionality to the flamegraphs.
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