A blog/portfolio starter project built with TanStack Start.
- React-19
- MDX and Markdown support
- Syntax highlighting
- Tailwind CSS
- Light/dark mode toggle
- Custom fonts
- Sitemap and Robots.txt
- Static prerendering for static and dyanmic pages
- Font optimisation (coming soon)
- Dynamic OG images (coming soon)
There are two ways of initializing the tss-blog-starter
app. You can either use this repository as a template or manually clone the app.
Clone project
git clone git@github.com:ally-ahmed/tss-blog-starter.git
cd tss-blog-starter
Install depndencies
pnpm install --frozen-lockfile
To install dependencies that match the pnpm-lock.yaml
Run app
pnpm dev
Currently using vercel
as the deployment target in tss-blog-starter
. To deploy to other targets see TanStack Start docs on deployment.
- Tailwindcss v4
- Use robots vite plugin
- Dynamic OG image generation
- Finish up
On this page
component - Image optimisation
- Font optimisation