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This repository was archived by the owner on Jan 3, 2023. It is now read-only.


Folders and files

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Command line

stickit.exe <xlsx_file_path> <output_folder_path>


parameters explanation
xlsx file path the file to process
output folder path the output directory (optional)

CLI examples

stickit.exe ./doc.xlsx
stickit.exe doc.xlsx out
stickit.exe ./folders/doc.xlsx ./out

The fisrt example will create a new folder in the current directory named folowing this pattern dd_mm_yyyy_hh_m

Special cases

If you passed a path as the second argument:

stickit.exe ./folders/doc.xlsx ./folder2/out

The application only creates the final folder of the path, in this case out, the base path in this case folder2 should be created by you


Make sure that the mark column in the xlscx file is named Assembly Mark


After the files are ctreated you can open them using Chrome or Firefox and print them using the "ctrl+P" shortcut. Click on more options:

  • Choose A4 for paper size
  • Scalse should be at 100
  • Pages per sheet 1
  • margins None

in Firefox

  • disable Print headers and footers
  • disable Print backgrounds

in Chrome

  • disable Background graphics

Building the application

First install the packages

yarn install
# or
npm install

after you make your changes run

yarn run package
# or
npm run package

the output will be in the dist folder