- Gotham City
Create React Native apps that run on iOS, Android, and web
[Deprecated] Minimalist Markdown Publishing for Nuxt.js
Add support for a StreamDeck to Google Meet using WebHID
In my Smashing Toronto talk, I'll be live coding an SVG animation from start to finish. Here's the repo that houses the base materials, and any further references for things we don't have time to c…
Send application forms to Landlords every time a new apartment is listed on Immobilien Scout
Repository of presentation templates, past talks, etc.
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A simple action to populate my profile on GitHub Stars site with my latest blog posts and youtube videos.
🤔Fried Chicken or Labradoodle? You decide! A mobile app for fun
A Facebook Messenger bot sample integrated with built-in NLP from wit.ai
nightscout web monitor
NativeScript-Vue Version of Nacho Anaya's Vue Music Tutorial
Repository of presentation templates, past talks, etc.
alphacentauri82 / cf-to-tf
Forked from humanmade/cf-to-tfCLI tool for generating Terraform configuration and state for existing CloudFormation resources
A VuePress starter template for CodeSandbox
Wubba lubba dub dub NativeScript-Vue
alphacentauri82 / vue-apollo
Forked from vuejs/apollo🚀 Apollo/GraphQL integration for VueJS
Made with NextJS @ Aerolab NextJS Workshop
Workshop Content Manager - Vue Material
alphacentauri82 / website
Forked from vuevixensar/websiteVueVixens.org website
alphacentauri82 / docs
Forked from FrontEndFoxes/curriculumWorkshop documentation and scripts
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