- Gotham City
alphacentauri82 / Raspberry-Pi-Looper-synth-drum-thing
Forked from otem/Raspberry-Pi-Looper-synth-drum-thingMy first venture into raspberry pi stuff. Running a custom pure data patch I've been working on for a couple years on a Raspberry Pi 3. This project took a couple months and I'm still tweaking stuf…
Get random cool/funky/weird developer titles 🦄
alphacentauri82 / workshop
Forked from GisellePerez/workshopworkshop material
alphacentauri82 / v-type
Forked from tessaSAC/v-typefind out what type of vue vixen you are!
alphacentauri82 / vue-cli
Forked from vuejs/vue-cli🛠️ Standard Tooling for Vue.js Development
A bunch of game servers I use, dockerised
alphacentauri82 / website
Forked from vuevixensar/websiteVueVixens.org website
alphacentauri82 / cf-to-tf
Forked from humanmade/cf-to-tfCLI tool for generating Terraform configuration and state for existing CloudFormation resources
alphacentauri82 / vue-music
Forked from ianaya89/vue-music📻 Web app demo para el Workshop introductorio a Vue.js
A list of women tech speakers & organizers. Add yourself or others by submitting a PR! PS if you do add someone, make sure to tell them! :) #fempire
alphacentauri82 / art
Forked from FrontEndFoxes/artArtwork for our skulks! Free to use
alphacentauri82 / vue-apollo
Forked from vuejs/apollo🚀 Apollo/GraphQL integration for VueJS
alphacentauri82 / nuxt-coreui
Forked from hibuno/nuxt-coreui💫 NuxtJS + CoreUI Project — Unofficial (Added docker)
A list of Vue Vixens to follow, and where they may be skulking on the interwebs. Make a PR (Pull Request) if you would like to contribute.
Repository of presentation templates, past talks, etc.
A terminal theme for VuePress!
alphacentauri82 / Jenkins
Forked from Korrd/JenkinsSpecial Jenkins image, with added stuff
A VuePress starter template for CodeSandbox
alphacentauri82 / grafana-aws-cloudwatch-dashboards
Forked from monitoringartist/grafana-aws-cloudwatch-dashboards☁️ 20+ Grafana dashboards for AWS CloudWatch metrics: EC2, Lambda, S3, ELB, EMR, EBS, SNS, SES, SQS, RDS, EFS, ElastiCache, Billing, API Gateway, VPN, ...
alphacentauri82 / vuejs.org
Forked from vuejs/v2.vuejs.org📄 The official documentation site for Vue.js.
alphacentauri82 / lazydocker
Forked from jesseduffield/lazydockerThe lazier way to manage everything docker
alphacentauri82 / AutotuneWeb
Forked from MarkMpn/AutotuneWebA web interface for running Autotune
Nightscout for Google Home & Google Assistant
Diabot, but better
alphacentauri82 / docs
Forked from FrontEndFoxes/curriculumWorkshop documentation and scripts
alphacentauri82 / RileyLink-Water-Resistant-Wireless-Charging-Case
Forked from ian-dee/RileyLink-Water-Resistant-Wireless-Charging-CaseWater Resistant Wireless Charging Case for the RileyLink
nightscout web monitor