- Gotham City
A simple action to populate my profile on GitHub Stars site with my latest blog posts and youtube videos.
ScoutX: An SMS/Voice notifier for Nightscout, send emergency messages with GPS location straight from your mobile.
A rudimentary app for interactive Twitch scenes using Vue.js. It monitors your Twitch channel chat for !commands using Comfy.js (by instafluff and others), plays mp3 files, loads images, and intera…
Prevents you from committing secrets and credentials into git repositories
ScoutX: An SMS/Voice notifier for Nightscout, and now currently working on a Wisblock powered GPS tracker with Helium as well as an accessible DIY Libre CGM solution.
Add support for a StreamDeck to Google Meet using WebHID
3D printed DSLR tracking mount
Workshop Content Manager - Vue Material
Wubba lubba dub dub NativeScript-Vue
A vuetiful drone powered by Particle Photon and Vue.js
NativeScript-Vue Version of Nacho Anaya's Vue Music Tutorial
Made with NextJS @ Aerolab NextJS Workshop
guacamaya.dev = scully + netlify cms
Repository of presentation templates, past talks, etc.
🤔Fried Chicken or Labradoodle? You decide! A mobile app for fun
🦄 Get random cool/funky/weird developer titles