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Microsoft Office LTSC 2021/2024 Suite Installer Volume License Version Version 16.95 (Build 25030928) (Ongoing, Update Every Month) Minimum 13.x (Ventura With M1/M1 PRO/M1 MAX/M1 ULTRA/M2/M2 PRO/M2 MAX/M2 ULTRA/M3/M3 PRO/M3 MAX/M3 ULTRA/macOS Sequoia Native Support)
Microsoft Office LTSC 2021 / LTSC 2024 / Office 365 Suite Installer
Update history for Office for Mac
Microsoft AutoUpdate (MAU) Standalone Installer 4.77 (Ongoing, Update Every Month) Minimum 10.14.x (macOS Sequoia Native Support)
Microsoft AutoUpdate (MAU) Standalone Installer
Microsoft Office 2024 LTSC Volume License Serializer
Microsoft Office 2019/LTSC 2021 Suite Installer Volume License Version 16.89.1 (24091630) Maximum 12.7.6 (Monterey)
Microsoft Office 2019/LTSC 2021 Suite Installer Volume License Version 16.78.3 (23102801) (When Serializer 2021 Not Working) Minimum 12.0.x (Monterey)
Microsoft Office 2019/LTSC 2021 Suite Installer Volume License Version 16.77 (23091003) Maximum 11.0.x (Big Sur)
Microsoft Word Update 2019/LTSC 2021 Installer 16.77.1 Maximum 11.0.x (Big Sur)
Microsoft Excel Update 2019/LTSC 2021 Installer 16.77.1 Maximum 11.0.x (Big Sur)
Microsoft PowerPoint Update 2019/LTSC 2021 Installer 16.77.1 Maximum 11.0.x (Big Sur)
Microsoft Outlook Update 2019/LTSC 2021 Installer 16.77.1 Maximum 11.0.x (Big Sur)
Microsoft Office 2019/LTSC 2021 Suite Installer Volume License Version 16.66 (22100900) Maximum 10.15.x (Catalina)
Microsoft Office 2019 Suite Installer Volume License Version 16.54 (21101001) Maximum 10.14.x (Mojave)
Microsoft Office 2019 Suite Installer Volume License Version 16.43 (20110804) Maximum 10.13.x (High Sierra)
Microsoft Office 2016 Suite Installer Volume License Version 16.16.27 Minimum 10.10.x (Yosemite)
Microsoft Office 2011 Suite Installer Volume License Version 14.7.7 Minimum 10.6.8 (Snow Leopard)
Microsoft Office 2016, 2019 2021 & 2024 Activator / License_Serializer
Microsoft Office 2019 Volume License Serializer (Maximum Version 16.68 without 365)
Microsoft Office 2019 Volume License Serializer (MSDN ISO) (Maximum Version 16.68 without 365)
Microsoft_Office_2016_Volume License Serializer_v2
Microsoft Office 2011 Activator
Or Keys
(Optional step) Run the following commands on Terminal. They will disable telemetry. Copy and paste the following to the Terminal windows and hit "enter" / return key twice:
defaults write com.microsoft.Word SendAllTelemetryEnabled -bool FALSE
defaults write com.microsoft.Excel SendAllTelemetryEnabled -bool FALSE
defaults write com.microsoft.Powerpoint SendAllTelemetryEnabled -bool FALSE
defaults write com.microsoft.Outlook SendAllTelemetryEnabled -bool FALSE
defaults write com.microsoft.onenote.mac SendAllTelemetryEnabled -bool FALSE
defaults write com.microsoft.autoupdate2 SendAllTelemetryEnabled -bool FALSE
defaults write com.microsoft.Office365ServiceV2 SendAllTelemetryEnabled -bool FALSE
Optionally you can disable the cloud login features. Copy and paste the following to Terminal and hit "enter" twice:
defaults write com.microsoft.Word UseOnlineContent -integer 0
defaults write com.microsoft.Excel UseOnlineContent -integer 0
defaults write com.microsoft.Powerpoint UseOnlineContent -integer 0
How about the Office reset tool linked by sleepy hollow just above your post?
Only when the ancient remnants of some installation also removed, it worked.
but then I was extra careful. deleted everything with "microsoft", "office" or "365" i found.
~/Application Support/
don´t forget ~/Group Containers/UBF8T346G9xxxx
then a reboot
office package installed
another reboot (as i said. I was careful)
then installed the 2021 VL serializer
now it works!
Second, download this and install it. You won't get any new apps but after running it will clear your Office license. License Removal Tool
Last, download this and install it. You won't get new apps but this will activate your Office. Serializer
First, Open Finder and go to Applications on the left side, Remove All Microsoft Office Applications. Or you can use AppCleaner for complete uninstall
Next, click the link and install a new copy of Microsoft Office Office Installer 16.66, don't open it after it's installed.
Hint: License Removal Tool is Microsoft_Office_License_Removal_2.7.pkg
and Serializer is Microsoft_Office_LTSC_2021_VL_Serializer.pkg
Office-Reset, Designed to troubleshoot and fix Microsoft Office for Mac errors
License Removal Tool, Official Microsoft tool to remove all Office licenses from a computer