Using CSP nonce
Using CSP nonce
Force push
Bump axios from 0.18.1 to 1.8.2 in /test-server
Bump axios from 0.18.1 to 1.8.2 in /test-server
Deleted branch
updated docker push github action
updated docker push github action
updated docker push github action
updated docker push github action
Force push
Deleted branch
Deleted branch
support graphql extension for loading schema
support graphql extension for loading schema
use mock user in test
use mock user in test
use mock user in test
use mock user in test
updated test mocks
updated test mocks
Using CSP nonce
Using CSP nonce
Force push
support graphql extension for loading schema
support graphql extension for loading schema
Force push
updated docker push github action
updated docker push github action
Force push
update mock user
update mock user
Force push
Deleted branch
only enable newrelic in prod env
only enable newrelic in prod env
only enable newrelic in prod env
only enable newrelic in prod env
moved require newrelic call
moved require newrelic call
check if in popup before triggering shortcut
check if in popup before triggering shortcut
update mock user
update mock user
updated test
updated test