- 📚️ 103 public repositories.
- ⭐️ 23952 stargazers.
- 📃️ Preferred Licenses: MIT (15%), GPL (15%), NOASSERTION (3%), and others (67%).
- 📧 Questions? Reach out via email @ amaanq12@gmail.com
I maintain and contribute to various tree-sitter repositories, including all the upstream ones, and those under the tree-sitter-grammars org.
I've created a bunch myself in hopes of having grammars for (nearly) every language.
A lot of my free-time nowadays goes to either tree-sitter parser development and maintenance or personal projects. My personal projects tend to revolve around Rust, Linux, Neovim, or Reverse Engineering. Reverse engineering (RE) is definitely my favorite pass-time when it comes to anything programming-related.
I am also an embedded software/hardware enthusiast and love to dabble in assembly code, especially with the ARM family due to prior history in Android app reverse engineering. Also, X86 is ugly, but RISC-V is li a0, 0x636F6F6C 😁.
You can find some of my projects on my GitHub profile, though a lot of them are old and suck when I look at it now 🙈