Decode and encode NIB Archive .nib
files are mainly used by Interface Builder component of Xcode to encode .xib
Both store information about creating a GUI for macOS and iOS applications.
The difference is, .xib
is a human-readable xml used only during development,
and .nib
is a compiled version of it.
There're two variations of .nib
s. The first one is a NIB Archive (used by UIKit
on iPhones since iOS 6) whose decoded structure somewhat resembles Cocoa Keyed
Archive. This library is designed to work with these .nib
The second one is actually a Cocoa Keyed Archive (used prior iOS 6).
macOS uses both versions.
The file format has been described in detail in the nibsqueeze repository and this great article. You may also want to check the nibarchive repository – a NIB Archive parser written in Python.
Some NIB Archives (presumably ones with a coder version of 10) have some extra bytes at the end of a file. Those bytes are not handled and their purpose is unknown yet.
The following example prints all archive's objects and their values:
use nibarchive::*;
let archive: NIBArchive = NIBArchive::from_file("./foo.nib")?;
for (i, object) in 0..archive.objects().iter().enumerate() {
let class_name = object.class_name(&archive.class_names()).name();
println!("[{i}] Object of a class '{class_name}':");
let values: &[Value] = object.values(&archive.values());
for (j, value) in 0..values.iter().enumerate() {
let key = value.key(&archive.keys());
let inner_value = value.value();
println!("-- [{j}] {key}: {inner_value:?}");