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Radically Straightforward · Utilities

🛠️ Utilities for Node.js and the browser


$ npm install @radically-straightforward/utilities


import * as utilities from "@radically-straightforward/utilities";


export function sleep(duration: number): Promise<void>;

A promisified version of setTimeout(). Bare-bones: It doesn’t even offer a way to clearTimeout(). Useful in JavaScript that may run in the browser—if you’re only targeting Node.js then you’re better served by timersPromises.setTimeout().


export function randomString(): string;

A fast random string generator. The generated strings vary in length, but are generally around 10 characters. The generated strings include the characters [a-z0-9]. The generated strings are not cryptographically secure—if you need that, then use crypto-random-string.


export function log(...messageParts: string[]): void;

Tab-separated logging.


export class JSONLinesTransformStream extends TransformStream;

A TransformStream to convert a stream of a string with JSON lines into a stream of JSON objects.


const reader = new Blob([
  `\n\n${JSON.stringify("hi")}\n${JSON.stringify({ hello: "world" })}\n`,
  .pipeThrough(new TextDecoderStream())
  .pipeThrough(new utilities.JSONLinesTransformStream())
(await; // => "hi"
(await; // => { hello: "world" }
(await; // => undefined


export function capitalize(string: string): string;

Capitalizes the first letter of a string. It’s different from Lodash’s capitalize() in that it doesn’t lowercase the rest of the string.


export function dedent(
  templateStrings: TemplateStringsArray,
  ...substitutions: any[]

Removes indentation from a tagged template for more readable code.

This is different from the dedent package in the order of execution: the dedent package resolves interpolations first and removes indentation second, while dedent() removes indentation first and resolves interpolations second.

This different comes in play when the interpolated string contains newlines and indentation: with the dedent package the interpolated string must be aware of the context in which it’s used or it may break the dedenting, but with dedent() the dedenting works regardless of the string being interpolated.

Consider the following example:

const exampleOfInterpolatedString =
  "example of\n an interpolated string including a newline and indentation";

  Here is an


  followed by some more text.
// => "Here is an\n\n example of\nan interpolated string including a newline and indentation\n\n followed by some more text."

  Here is an


  followed by some more text.
// => "Here is an\n\nexample of\n an interpolated string including a newline and indentation\n\nfollowed by some more text."


export function isDate(string: string): boolean;

Determine whether the given string is a valid Date, that is, it’s in ISO format and corresponds to an existing date, for example, it is not April 32nd.


export const emailRegExp: RegExp;

A regular expression that matches valid email addresses. This regular expression is more restrictive than the RFC—it doesn’t match some email addresses that technically are valid, for example, example@localhost. But it strikes a good tradeoff for practical purposes, for example, signing up in a web application.


export const ISODateRegExp: RegExp;

A regular expression that matches ISO dates, for example, 2024-04-01T14:19:48.162Z.


export type Intern<Type> = Readonly<
  Type & {
    [internSymbol]: true;

Utility type for intern().


export type InternInnerValue =
  | string
  | number
  | bigint
  | boolean
  | symbol
  | undefined
  | null
  | Intern<unknown>;

Utility type for intern().


export function intern<
  Type extends
    | Array<InternInnerValue>
    | {
        [key: string]: InternInnerValue;
>(value: Type): Intern<Type>;

Interning a value makes it unique across the program, which is useful for checking equality with === (reference equality), using it as a key in a Map, adding it to a Set, and so forth:

import { intern as $ } from "@radically-straightforward/utilities";

[1] === [1]; // => false
$([1]) === $([1]); // => true

  const map = new Map<number[], number>();
  map.set([1], 1);
  map.set([1], 2);
  map.size; // => 2
  map.get([1]); // => undefined

  const map = new Map<utilities.Intern<number[]>, number>();
  map.set($([1]), 1);
  map.set($([1]), 2);
  map.size; // => 1
  map.get($([1])); // => 2

  const set = new Set<number[]>();
  set.size; // => 2
  set.has([1]); // => false

  const set = new Set<utilities.Intern<number[]>>();
  set.size; // => 1
  set.has($([1])); // => true

Note: We recommend that you alias intern as $ when importing it to make your code less noisy.

Node: Inner values must be either primitives or interned values themselves, for example, $([1, $({})]) is valid, but $([1, {}]) is not.

Node: Currently only arrays (tuples) and objects (records) may be interned. In the future we may support more types, for example, Map, Set, regular expressions, and so forth.

Note: You must not mutate an interned value. Interned values are frozen to prevent mutation.

Note: Interning a value is a costly operation which grows more expensive as you intern more values. Only intern values when really necessary.

Note: Interned objects do not preserve the order of the attributes: $({ a: 1, b: 2 }) === $({ b: 2, a: 1 }).

Note: The pool of interned values is available as intern.pool. The interned values are kept with WeakRefs to allow them to be garbage collected when they aren’t referenced anywhere else anymore. There’s a FinalizationRegistry at intern.finalizationRegistry that cleans up interned values that have been garbage collected.

Related Work

JavaScript Records & Tuples Proposal

A proposal to include immutable objects (Records) and immutable arrays (Tuples) in JavaScript. This subsumes most of the need for intern().

It includes a polyfill which works very similarly to intern() but requires different functions for different data types.


A previous solution to this problem which took a different approach: Instead of interning the values and allowing you to use JavaScript’s Maps and Sets, collections-deep-equal extends Maps and Sets with a different notion of equality.

collections-deep-equal doesn’t address the issue of comparing values with === (reference equality).

collections-deep-equal does more work on every manipulation of the data structure, for example, when looking up a key in a Map, so it may be slower.

collections-deep-equal has different intern pools for each Map and Set instead of intern()’s single global intern pool, which may be advantageous because smaller pools may be faster to traverse.

Immutable.js, collections, mori, TypeScript Collections, prelude-ts, collectable, and so forth

Similar to collections-deep-equal, these libraries implement their own data structures instead of relying on JavaScript’s Maps and Sets. Some of them go a step further and add their own notions of objects and arrays, which requires you to convert your values back and forth, may not show up nicely in the JavaScript inspector, may be less ergonomic to use with TypeScript, and so forth.

The advantage of these libraries over interning is that they may be faster.

immer and icepick

Introduce a new way to create values based on existing values.


Modifies existing values more profoundly than freezing.

es6-array-map, valuecollection, @strong-roots-capital/map-objects, and so forth

Similar to collections-deep-equal but either incomplete, or lacking type definitions, and so forth.



export function backgroundJob(
    onStop = () => {},
  }: {
    interval: number;
    onStop?: () => void | Promise<void>;
  job: () => void | Promise<void>,
): {
  run: () => Promise<void>;
  stop: () => Promise<void>;

Note: This is a lower level utility. See @radically-straightforward/node’s and @radically-straightforward/javascript’s extensions to backgroundJob() that are better suited for their specific environments.

Start a background job that runs every interval.

backgroundJob() is different from setInterval() in the following ways:

  1. The interval counts between jobs, so slow background jobs don’t get called concurrently:

               | INTERVAL | ...
  2. You may use to force the background job to run right away. If the background job is already running, calling schedules it to run again as soon as possible (with a wait interval of 0).

  3. You may use backgroundJob.stop() to stop the background job. If the background job is in the middle of running, it will finish but it will not be scheduled to run again. This is similar to how an HTTP server may terminate gracefully by stopping accepting new requests but finishing responding to existing requests. After a job has been stopped, you may not it again (calling has no effect).

  4. We introduce a random interval variance of 10% on top of the given interval to avoid many background jobs from starting at the same time and overloading the machine.

Note: If the job throws an exception, the exception is logged and the background job continues.


export async function timeout<Type>(
  duration: number,
  function_: () => Promise<Type>,
): Promise<Type>;

Run the given function_ up to the timeout. If the timeout is reached, the returned promise rejects, but there is no way to guarantee that the function_ execution will stop.


export function foregroundJob(
  job: () => void | Promise<void>,
): () => Promise<void>;

Controls the execution of the given job such that it can’t execute until the previous execution finished.

This is useful, for example, for an autocomplete feature in which an event listener of the keydown event fetch()es from the server. If the function is called while it’s running, then it schedules itself to be executed again as soon as it completes.

This is different from backgroundJob() because it doesn’t run periodically—it only runs when it’s called.

This is different from Lodash’s debounce() and throttle() because it isn’t based on timed delays—it’s designed for when the job itself is slow.