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@github-actions github-actions released this 01 Mar 08:42
· 64 commits to master since this release

What's Changed

  • feat: add Arm64 docker builds by @aminya in #343
  • feat: add setup-cpp base Docker images by @aminya in #343
  • feat: add conan, cmakelang, meson to base images by @aminya in #344
  • feat: add docker images with gcc as the compiler
  • fix: fix gcc paths in Fedora/Arch by @aminya in #345
  • fix: fix vcpkg on Linux Arm64 by @aminya in #343
  • fix: update apt for the first install by @aminya in #343

To provide fast development environments, setup-cpp provides several prebuilt docker images that have the tools you need. You can use these images as a base image for your project.

The names are in the format aminya/setup-cpp-<platform>:<platform_version>-<setup_cpp_version> and aminya/setup-cpp-<platform>-<compiler>:<platform_version>-<setup_cpp_version>.

Ubuntu Images

Base image with cmake, ninja, task, vcpkg, python, make, cppcheck, gcovr, doxygen, ccache, conan, meson, cmakelang

FROM aminya/setup-cpp-ubuntu:22.04-1.0.0 AS builder

Image with llvm and the base tools:

FROM aminya/setup-cpp-ubuntu-llvm:22.04-1.0.0 AS builder

Image with gcc and the base tools:

FROM aminya/setup-cpp-ubuntu-gcc:22.04-1.0.0 AS builder

Image with mingw and the base tools:

FROM aminya/setup-cpp-ubuntu-mingw:22.04-1.0.0 AS builder

Fedora Images

Base image with cmake, ninja, task, vcpkg, python, make, cppcheck, gcovr, doxygen, ccache, conan, meson, cmakelang

FROM aminya/setup-cpp-fedora:40-1.0.0 AS builder

Image with llvm and the base tools:

FROM aminya/setup-cpp-fedora-llvm:40-1.0.0 AS builder

Image with gcc and the base tools:

FROM aminya/setup-cpp-fedora-gcc:40-1.0.0 AS builder

Image with mingw and the base tools:

FROM aminya/setup-cpp-fedora-mingw:40-1.0.0 AS builder

ArchLinux Images

Base image with cmake, ninja, task, vcpkg, python, make, cppcheck, gcovr, doxygen, ccache, conan, meson, cmakelang

FROM aminya/setup-cpp-arch:base-1.0.0 AS builder

Image with llvm and the base tools:

FROM aminya/setup-cpp-arch-llvm:base-1.0.0 AS builder

Image with gcc and the base tools:

FROM aminya/setup-cpp-arch-gcc:base-1.0.0 AS builder

Image with mingw and the base tools:

FROM aminya/setup-cpp-arch-mingw:base-1.0.0 AS builder

Full Changelog: v0.46.2...v1.0.0