Twitter Clone (Click to try π)
Bulit PHP Twitter Clone IN OOP style and using MYSQL Database. AJAX and Jquery for requests without reloading like Follow/unfollow, like, Search users, Show popups like comment , User lists, etc.
- Sign in / Sign UP
- Post Image or Normal Tweet.
- Retweet or Qoute Tweet (You can qoute the qouted tweet).
- Like Tweet.
- Add Comment and reply to the comment (Nested Comments).
- Mention User in Tweet or add hashtag to your tweet.
- Follow/Unfollow user.
- Get Notification when any previous action happened.
- Change Username/Password/Email From Settings.
- Search users by name and username.
- Edit Profile Like: (Change :avatar/username/cover etc).
- Create New Database then import twitter.sql file on it.
- go to PATH core/classes/connection.php and add your database info.
protected static $servername = "localhost";
protected static $db_name="twitter";
protected static $username = "root";
protected static $password = "";
then the project is ready to run in localhost!