I'm Alessandro, a software engineer and developer advocate living in Amsterdam, former Red Hat, Microsoft and Solo.io, currently building the next big thing:tm: (kubespaces.io) and in my spare time as trainer for all things Cloud Native & Kubernetes. I organize the Dutch Kubernetes Meetup and Kubernetes Community Days Amsterdam.
Here's my public GPG key (also on OpenGPG.org). If you're into those old pesky Curriculum Vitae, check this out.
- People are foundamentally good, and they'll do good to others and themselves given the opportunity
- Infrastructure should be transparent, automated and at the service of the application (and eventually, to humans)
- Good work ethic and no-exception inclusion brings about a positive, productive environment where people thrive and business flourish
- Diversity is just the way the world is, fighting it with exclusion is an epitome of a toxic mentality
- Kubernetes is the best thing after fried chicken :)
- Some of my terraform templates
- A Github action to build containers with ACR
- A Github Action to automatically test terraform templates in Azure
- Some links about the Certified Kubernetes Security Specialist Exam
You can find my blog on Medium under the Cooking with Azure publication. My (almost) current CV is in here. I just started using Polywork my profile is at poly.work/ams0
Some videos of me will soon appear under /videos, and I hope to be able to post some cool techno set or track on my Soundcloud soon.
I started working with computers at the early age of 8, with a Commodore64 around 1983, playing games and tinkering around with my brother on a Commodore64:
I discovered Linux in 1999, installing Slackware 0.9 on the old PC's at the Chemistry department of the University of Ferrara (and joined the Ferrara Linux User Grup), and I never really stopped loving open source software.
I studied chemistry all my academic life, and I attended the Ph.D. program at the University of Amsterdam under Professor Fred Brouwer. I published a few scientific articles, here's a list. My research was mainly about synthetic organic synthesis of metal-organic compounds and their study with ultrafast femtosecond laser spectroscopy.
After my experience at the UvA, I switched careers and moved thru a number of organizations until I scored my dream job at Red Hat (for an open source software lover, there was nothing better!). I eventually left and stared my own company, Lovelace Engineering (in memory of Ada Lovelace), and after a while joined Microsoft as Technical Evangelist and now as a Principal Software Engineer in the Commercial Software Engineering organization. At the end of 2022 I switched to Solo.io to follow my passion for advocacy and public speaking, in the role of platform advocate, to fulfill my mission to install a Service Mesh into each and every Kubernetes clusters on earth!
- Twitter: @bongo
- LinkedIn: Alessandro Vozza
- Slack: alessandro @ slack.k8s.io
- Discord: huxley#2417
- Good 'ol email
- βοΈ Closed issue #389 in cncf/kubernetes-community-days
- π£ Commented on #389 in cncf/kubernetes-community-days
- π£ Commented on #389 in cncf/kubernetes-community-days
- βοΈ Closed issue #4 in rtts/photog
- π£ Commented on #4 in rtts/photog
- π£ Commented on #4 in rtts/photog
- βοΈ Opened issue #4 in rtts/photog