I'm a web programmer (full stack), a veteran, a yogi, and a human multi-tool.
I love solving problems, creating stuff, and trying new things.
I usually build with React/Typescript et al. but i have experience with other web frameworks and languages including:
- SQL (β‘)
- Java
- Python
- PHP (β‘)
- WordPress (β‘)
- Vanilla web (html/css/js) (β‘)
- Ethereum Javascript libraries: WAGMI/Viem/Ethers
- Token standards & basic Ethereum smart contracts
- ENS, Snapshot, Safe (formerly Gnosis), & other dApps & services
- Arweave permanent onchain storage
- Farcaster Frames protocol
- automation & file manipulation with Node scripting
- exploring the built-in Web APIs, such as Web Audio and IndexedDB
- Custom WordPress themes
- Firebase data storage