A Prototype Cosmos Proxy Sidecar, written in .NET.
Functionality is extremely limited. Currently, it only supports enough API to support a simple (cross-partition!) query. Specifically, the following APIs are partially implemented
- "Get Account" API,
, to fetch account metadata for Global Endpoint Manager.- We proxy this request, but provide only a single read/write endpoint, which is this proxy service.
- "Query Documents" API,
POST /dbs/{databaseId}/colls/{collectionId}/docs
with eitherx-ms-documentdb-isquery: True
orx-ms-documentdb-query: True
(some SDKs use one, some use the other...)- We run this request through the .NET SDK and return the results.
In addition to the HTTP APIs, a gRPC API is provided. The gRPC API allows us to explore a protobuf API for the proxy which may provide more flexibility and performance than the HTTP API. However, the SDK would need to be updated to support this new API.
Building is not necessary to test out the proxy, you can pull the image from the GitHub Container Registry. Skip to "Running the proxy / With Docker".
- Install Docker
- Run
- Install .NET SDK
- Run
dotnet build
To define a proxy account, you need to set the following environment variables:
- The Cosmos DB endpoint, such ashttps://myaccount.documents.azure.com:443/
- The Cosmos DB account key (or, omit this to use Entra ID)
The [name]
placeholder is a unique name within the proxy to identify the account.
The value Default
is reserved for the default account, which is used when no account is specified.
Otherwise, it can be whatever you'd like.
docker run -d -e DOTNET_ENVIRONMENT=Development -e Proxy__Accounts__Default__Endpoint=<endpoint_url> -e Proxy__Accounts__Default__AccountKey=<account_key> --name cosmos-proxy -p 5051:5051 ghcr.io/analogrelay/cosmos-proxy:local
NOTE: This configures the proxy to run in "Development" mode, which includes Swagger UI and other utilities. In production, you should omit the -e DOTNET_ENVIRONMENT=Development
Monitor logs with:
docker logs -f cosmos-proxy
(Press "Ctrl-C" to stop monitoring logs. This will NOT stop the proxy.)
Stop the proxy with:
docker stop cosmos-proxy
Remove the proxy container with:
docker rm cosmos-proxy
NOTE: The docker image currently only supports HTTP on port 5051. If you need HTTPS, you will need to run the .NET app directly.
Verify the proxy is up by navigating to http://localhost:5051/
. You should see something like this:
"writeableLocations": [
"name": "Local",
"databaseAccountEndpoint": "http://localhost:5051"
"readableLocations": [
"name": "Local",
"databaseAccountEndpoint": "http://localhost:5051"
"enableMultipleWriteLocations": false,
"userConsistencyPolicy": {
"defaultConsistencyLevel": "Session",
"maxStalenessPrefix": 0,
"maxIntervalInSeconds": 0
Now, proceed to "Using the proxy".
First, set the necessary environment variables.
For example:
export Proxy__Accounts__Default__Endpoint=https://myaccount.documents.azure.com:443/
export Proxy__Accounts__Default__AccountKey=<put your secret key here>
Then, run:
dotnet run --project src/cosmos-proxy/cosmos-proxy.csproj
Verify the proxy is up by navigating to https://localhost:5050/
. You should see something like this:
"writeableLocations": [
"name": "Local",
"databaseAccountEndpoint": "http://localhost:5051"
"readableLocations": [
"name": "Local",
"databaseAccountEndpoint": "http://localhost:5051"
"enableMultipleWriteLocations": false,
"userConsistencyPolicy": {
"defaultConsistencyLevel": "Session",
"maxStalenessPrefix": 0,
"maxIntervalInSeconds": 0
Now, proceed to "Using the proxy".
- Install GRPCui
- Run
grpcui -plaintext localhost:5051
- Install Go
- Cd into
- Run
go run . http://localhost:5051 <cosmos-database> <cosmos-container> <query>
- Install Node
- Cd into
- Run
node index.js http://localhost:5051 <cosmos-database> <cosmos-container> <query>
- Install Python
- Cd into
- (Optional) Set up a virtual environment,
python -m venv .venv
and activate it withsource .venv/bin/activate
- Run
pip install -r requirements.txt
- Run
python main.py http://localhost:5051 <cosmos-database> <cosmos-container> <query>