An intuitive and user-friendly Expense Tracker built using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript to help you manage your finances efficiently.
- Add Expenses: Log your daily expenses with descriptions and amounts.
- Track Income: Record your income sources to monitor your budget effectively.
- Visual Representation: A simple, clean UI to display total income, expenses, and balance.
- Data Persistence: Local storage support to retain data even after refreshing the browser.
- Interactive Design: Responsive layout ensuring usability on desktop and mobile devices.
- HTML: For structuring the layout of the application.
- CSS: For styling and creating a visually appealing user interface.
- JavaScript: For dynamic interactions, calculations, and data management.
- Clone the repository:
git clone
- Navigate to the project directory:
cd expense-tracker
- Open the
file in your favorite browser to start the application.
Add a Transaction:
- Enter a description (e.g., "Groceries") and amount (positive for income, negative for expense).
- Click the "Add Transaction" button to update the tracker.
View Transactions:
- All added transactions are displayed in a list with the date, description, and amount.
Check Summary:
- The tracker displays the total Income, Expenses, and Current Balance at a glance.
Delete Transactions:
- Remove incorrect or old entries directly from the transaction list.
โโโ index.html # Main HTML file
โโโ style.css # Styling for the project
โโโ script.js # JavaScript functionality
โโโ # Project documentation
Contributions are welcome! Follow these steps to contribute to the project:
Fork the Repository:
Click on the Fork button in the top-right corner of this repository to create your copy. -
Clone Your Forked Repository:
git clone
Create a New Branch:
git checkout -b feature-name
Make Your Changes:
Improve the code, fix bugs, or add new features. -
Commit Your Changes:
git commit -m "Describe your changes"
Push to Your Forked Repository:
git push origin feature-name
Create a Pull Request:
Go to the original repository and click on New Pull Request. Provide a detailed description of your changes and submit the request.
Thank you for helping make this project better! ๐
- Export/Import Data: Allow exporting transactions as CSV and importing existing data.
- Authentication: Add user accounts for personalized expense tracking.
- Graphical Insights: Integrate charts for a more detailed financial overview.
- Advanced Filters: Search and filter transactions by date, type, or keyword.