dotfiles Public
Set up a dev environment from a shell one-liner 🚀
winfiles Public
Installation scripts for my Windows environment 🏆
react-graphql-example Public
Build composable React front-ends using GraphQL and Relay
react-storybook-example Public
Boilerplate front-end project to get started with React and Storybook
serverless-storage-demo Public
Deploy a simple serverless workload on Google Cloud Run 🚢
django-uploader Public archive
Sample Django app with file upload functionality
andrejusk.github.io Public
Personal site built in Hugo, hosted on Firebase. Contains redirect to GitHub.
hugo-psi-theme Public
Forked from gkmngrgn/hugo-alageek-themehugo-ψ-theme is an optimised fork of Cocoa.
cloud-builders-community Public archive
Forked from GoogleCloudPlatform/cloud-builders-communityCommunity-contributed images for Google Cloud Build
angular-login Public archive
Login component experimenting with the material library for Angular.
github-slideshow Public archive
A robot powered training repository 🤖
typescript-compiler Public archive
TypeScript to C Compiler, implementing lexical analysis, parsing and optimisation, written in TypeScript
Mk4-Apps Public archive
Forked from emfcamp/Mk4-AppsCustom repository for apps to download and run on the Mk4 badge.
dougsillars.github.io Public archive
Forked from dougsillars/dougsillars.github.ioOptimisation workshop.
si7021-i2c Public archive
Forked from mongoose-os-libs/si7021-i2cMongoose OS library implementing an I2C driver for Si7021
devfest-18 Public archive
Forked from gdg-x/hoverboardGDG DevFest website template
asteroids-game Public
Android game implementing an asteroids physics engine with memory and speed optimisations.
Operating-System-Calls Public archive
Multiple scripts implementing low-level Linux operating system calls for second-year University coursework.
Distance-Vector-Protocol Public archive
PeerSim distributed prototype of the Distance-Vector Protocol using the Bellman-Ford routing algorithm.
maze-game Public archive
Implements depth-first maze generation in a CLI game for a piece of first-year University coursework.
ArduinoSeal Public
Program that outputs part of the Navy Seal copypasta in morse code using the Arduino Nano's only available LED.
quick-sort Public archive
Implements QuickSort in C and gives NaNs totality for a piece of first-year University coursework.
CrudpostBot Public
Discord bot for saving and recalling image macros developed during a 6-hour hackathon.