A playground for deploying a Nomad Cluster using terraform and Digital Ocean as a provider.
Copy environments/example.json
to environments/staging.json
and add your Digital Ocean API key.
make generate-keys
Run make build-consul
&& make build-nomad
from the root of the repo. This will create the custom machine images that will be used when creating the cluster and store them on DO.
Now you have the base image your servers will use you can run a make plan
and make apply
ssh -i ./terraform/.ssh/id_rsa root@SERVER_IP_ADDRESS
Below is some information about how the machines images that are created should be used when applying via terraform.
Data dir: /var/lib/consul/
Config dir: /etc/nomad
Logs: /var/log/consul.log
Data dir: /var/lib/nomad/
Data dir: /etc/nomad
Logs: /var/log/nomad.log