diybookscanner Public
Forked from danyq/diybookscannerscanning script for the noisebridge book scanner
Python UpdatedDec 20, 2013 -
PubChemROT Public
PubChem Rule of Three Chemical Space
GNU General Public License v2.0 UpdatedNov 7, 2013 -
ComputerVision Public
Open source computational tools for image analysis
Objective-C UpdatedOct 30, 2013 -
PhenotypeDashboard Public
Arabidopsis phenotypes from experimental treatments simplified into data graphics
UpdatedOct 17, 2013 -
osra Public
Forked from metamolecular/osraOSRA source from http://cactus.nci.nih.gov/osra/
C++ GNU General Public License v2.0 UpdatedAug 7, 2013 -
chemminedb Public
ChemmineDB: A web based chemical compound structure and screening database
CodeFlower Public
Forked from fzaninotto/CodeFlowerSource code visualization utility written in JavaScript with d3.js. Does your code look beautiful?
JavaScript MIT License UpdatedMar 7, 2013 -
collabgraph Public
Forked from shackenberg/collabgraphThis simple tool helps researchers and students to visualize who is collaborating with whom in their field of research.
Python UpdatedMay 27, 2012 -
hexbin-js Public
Forked from indiemaps/hexbin-jsHexbin map with mouseover zoom
JavaScript UpdatedOct 18, 2011