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nextmovesoftware / UGM_2014
Forked from rdkit/UGM_2014Materials from the 2014 RDKit UGM
nextmovesoftware / openbabel
Forked from openbabel/openbabelOpen Babel is a chemical toolbox designed to speak the many languages of chemical data.
Cascading.Multitool is a sed and grep command line tool for Apache Hadoop.
darkseed / ossocr
Forked from artunit/ossocrgathering point for open source OCR scripts and diffs
Access index of web pages in Common Crawl
linearregression / warcat
Forked from chfoo/warcatTool and library for handling Web ARChive (WARC) files.
linearregression / ChemmineRdata
Forked from girke-lab/drugsCompound databases for use with ChemmineR
AdlyTempleton / MineChem
Forked from iopleke/MinechemMineChem Minecraft Mod