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πŸŽ…πŸ½ πŸ§πŸ»β€β™€οΈ Advent of Code πŸ§πŸ»β€β™€οΈ πŸŽ…πŸ½

TypeScript solutions for Advent of Code. Supports web browsers and Node.js.



Project Structure

Solutions are located in ./src/year/day/:

  • puzzle description
  • input.txt: my puzzle input
  • index.ts: solution
  • index.test.ts: jest tests



To run a solution for a specific day of the current year, run npm run solve <day>, replacing <day> with the particular puzzle you want to run, e.g. npm run solve 10. To run a solution for a previous year, use <year>/<day>, e.g. npm run solve 2021/10.


To use the update command, retrieve the value of your session cookie from and enter it in .env under the SESSION_ID= key. The command will fetch any missing descriptions or inputs for the current year. If either or input.txt exists for a specific day, those files will be skipped. External requests are throttled to one request every 2 seconds.

Description HTML responses are cached to ./cache/<year>-<day>.html. To force it to be retrieved again, e.g. to fetch the description for part 2, the file must be deleted manually.

Other Commands

Command Description
npm run solve 10 Print day 10 solution for the current year
npm run solve 2021/10 Print day 10 solution for 2021
npm run test Run all tests for all years
npm run test 2022 Run all tests for 2022
npm run test 10 Run day 10 tests for the current year
npm run test 2021/10 Run day 10 tests for 2021
npm run update Download puzzle descriptions and puzzle inputs for the current year
npm run update 2021 Download puzzle descriptions and puzzle inputs for 2021
npm run build Compile JS files to ./out
npm run lint Run eslint
npm run lint:fix Run eslint --fix