UC Berkeley
- Berkeley, CA
greenhat Public
π· Quick hack for making real work happen.
docker-fleet-api-ci Public
Forked from corelight/docker-fleet-api-ciUbuntu-based builder including Go, NPM and Ruby tool FPM (for fleet-api)
daytripper Public
Forked from dekuNukem/daytripperA Multifunctional Laser Tripwire
pycommunityid Public
Forked from corelight/pycommunityidA Python implementation of the Community ID flow hashing standard
gosaml2 Public
Forked from russellhaering/gosaml2Pure Go implementation of SAML 2.0
Zeek is a powerful network analysis framework that is much different from the typical IDS you may know.
Shibboleth-SAML-IdP-and-SP Public
Forked from winstonhong/Shibboleth-SAML-IdP-and-SPShibboleth SAML identity provider and SAML service provider
slack-logger Public
Forked from stagnationlab/slack-loggerSlack logger that sends pretty formatted messages to a Slack channel.
memscan Public
π CLI utility for scanning user-mode process memory.
hilti Public
Forked from rsmmr/hiltiMirror of HILTI/BinPAC++ repository at git://git.icir.org/hilti
credit-card-exposure Public
Forked from sethhall/credit-card-exposureDetect credit card exposures with Bro
exams Public
Forked from kcparashar/examsPast Exams for Past Berkeley EECS Courses. Please add more if you have any!
cs-exams-downloader Public
Forked from sdulal/cs-exams-downloaderQuickly download past CS exams with solutions!
rosalind Public
β Solutions to bioinformatics problems.
msbot Public
π Game bot for the MMORPG MapleStory v62.
mac-spoofer Public
π Script for spoofing network adapter's MAC address on Windows.