Interactive roadmaps, guides and other educational content to help developers grow in their careers.
JavaScript API for Chrome and Firefox
A set of beautifully-designed, accessible components and a code distribution platform. Works with your favorite frameworks. Open Source. Open Code.
A progressive Node.js framework for building efficient, scalable, and enterprise-grade server-side applications with TypeScript/JavaScript 🚀
A JS library for predictable global state management
Easy to maintain open source documentation websites.
🤖 Powerful asynchronous state management, server-state utilities and data fetching for the web. TS/JS, React Query, Solid Query, Svelte Query and Vue Query.
🐠 Babel is a compiler for writing next generation JavaScript.
Lerna is a fast, modern build system for managing and publishing multiple JavaScript/TypeScript packages from the same repository.
ORM for TypeScript and JavaScript. Supports MySQL, PostgreSQL, MariaDB, SQLite, MS SQL Server, Oracle, SAP Hana, WebSQL databases. Works in NodeJS, Browser, Ionic, Cordova and Electron platforms.
Build forms in React, without the tears 😭
Blazing fast, instant realtime GraphQL APIs on all your data with fine grained access control, also trigger webhooks on database events.
Build Better Websites. Create modern, resilient user experiences with web fundamentals.
Feature-rich ORM for modern Node.js and TypeScript, it supports PostgreSQL (with JSON and JSONB support), MySQL, MariaDB, SQLite, MS SQL Server, Snowflake, Oracle DB (v6), DB2 and DB2 for IBM i.
🌈 React for interactive command-line apps
Jitsi Meet - Secure, Simple and Scalable Video Conferences that you use as a standalone app or embed in your web application.
⚡ Empowering JavaScript with native platform APIs. ✨ Best of all worlds (TypeScript, Swift, Objective C, Kotlin, Java, Dart). Use what you love ❤️ Angular, React, Solid, Svelte, Vue with: iOS (UIKi…
Routing and navigation for your React Native apps
✍ It has never been so easy to document your things!
Free and Open source Web Builder Framework. Next generation tool for building templates without coding
Radix Primitives is an open-source UI component library for building high-quality, accessible design systems and web apps. Maintained by @workos.
React components to build charts and dashboards
A desktop app for inspecting your React JS and React Native projects. macOS, Linux, and Windows.
🤖 GPU accelerated Neural networks in JavaScript for Browsers and Node.js
The modern, lightweight, performant, accessible and extensible drag & drop toolkit for React.
Next generation testing framework powered by Vite.
A collection of libraries and tools that help you build adaptive, accessible, and robust user experiences.