Amazon-Product-Classification Public
Forked from RKDSOne/Amazon-Product-ClassificationDeep Learning based classification model to classify products on Amazon, using product image, text title and brand name
Python UpdatedDec 8, 2017 -
awesome-landscapes Public
Please submit a pull request or open an issue if you would like to add to this
HTML UpdatedMay 1, 2023 -
awesome-startup Public
Forked from KrishMunot/awesome-startup😎 All the required resources to build your own startup
MIT License UpdatedOct 16, 2020 -
Beginnning-Javascript Public
4th edition of the book by Jeremy Mcpeak & Paul Wilton
HTML UpdatedNov 3, 2016 -
brainstormer Public
Forked from LoneKP/brainstormerBrainstormer is a fun tool that helps people come up with ideas together remotely.
HTML GNU General Public License v3.0 UpdatedApr 12, 2023 -
build-emacs-for-macos Public
Forked from jimeh/build-emacs-for-macosSomewhat hacky script to automate building of on macOS.
Ruby UpdatedMay 8, 2021 -
C Public
Forked from TheAlgorithms/CCollection of various algorithms in mathematics, machine learning, computer science, physics, etc implemented in C for educational purposes.
C GNU General Public License v3.0 UpdatedOct 18, 2020 -
Chrome-BigConsole Public
Forked from IceCreamYou/Chrome-BigConsoleanoop note to self: modify ace editor keybind to emacs style, C-p to pre-line
JavaScript Other UpdatedDec 20, 2015 -
class-javascript-objects Public
Forked from tsungchh/class-javascript-objectsEverything in JavaScript is an object. Understanding object allocation, construction and inheritance is key to being fluent in the language.
JavaScript UpdatedDec 7, 2015 -
class-the-javascript-runtime Public
Forked from nivoc/class-the-javascript-runtimeThe runtime is the code that runs your JavaScript. Dive into the call stack, try catch and throw, the event loop, timers and what it means to be asynchronous.
JavaScript UpdatedDec 7, 2015 -
cloud_haiku Public
Forked from do-community/cloud_haikuCommunity-made poetry about infrastructure
HTML MIT License UpdatedOct 17, 2020 -
common-lisp_jon-atack Public
Forked from jonatack/common-lispA smattering of various Common Lisp code, David's book
Common Lisp UpdatedMay 2, 2023 -
Cost-Function-Graph Public
Forked from shuyangsun/Cost-Function-GraphA Python script to graph simple cost functions for linear and logistic regression. Showing how choosing convex or con-convex function can effect gradient descent.
Jupyter Notebook UpdatedAug 15, 2016 -
Datasets Public
Forked from jbrownlee/DatasetsMachine learning datasets used in tutorials on
UpdatedDec 9, 2018 -
david Public
working through LISP: A Gentle Introduction to Symbolic Computation Book by David S. Touretzky
Common Lisp UpdatedNov 3, 2016 -
ec Public
Forked from SirNickolas/ecCompile & Run C++ programs
Python The Unlicense UpdatedMay 12, 2017 -
emods Public
customized linux keybindings, left handed mouse, caps to ctrl, enter to ctrl
Shell UpdatedNov 30, 2016 -
EPIJudge Public
Forked from adnanaziz/EPIJudgeEPI Judge - Preview Release
C++ Other UpdatedJun 29, 2019 -
free-programming-books Public
Forked from EbookFoundation/free-programming-books📚 Freely available programming books
Other UpdatedOct 16, 2020 -
github-battle-starter Public
a starter project for React with webpack configured
JavaScript UpdatedAug 17, 2016 -
grider-udemy Public
working through the course Meteor and React for real time applications by Stephen Grider
JavaScript UpdatedNov 3, 2016 -
helm-shell-history Public
Forked from yuutayamada/helm-shell-historyfind shell history from helm
HNES Public
Forked from etcet/HNESHacker News Extension Suite
JavaScript Other UpdatedOct 15, 2016 -
Javascript Public
Forked from TheAlgorithms/JavaScriptA repository for All algorithms implemented in Javascript (for educational purposes only)
JavaScript GNU General Public License v3.0 UpdatedOct 16, 2020