- Iffeldorf, Germany
- https://helloanselm.com/
Bash script to easily deploy applications with AWS Code Deploy. Designed to be used with CI systems such as TravisCI, CircleCI, and CodeShip and provide functionality that is not included in the ou…
Scripts for Adobe InDesign
A simple AppleScript utility that allows you to send tweets from your Keynote presentations.
qrpike / Web-Font-Load
Forked from w0ng/googlefontdirectoryInstall all Google Web Fonts onto your local machine
components / classList.js
Forked from eligrey/classList.jsCross-browser element.classList
ResponsiveImagesCG / picture-element
Forked from Wilto/draft-propThis is the <picture> element specification.
a server that allows you to automatically deploy the latest version of your github project at each git push
rodneyrehm / libsass
Forked from sass/libsassA C/C++ implementation of a Sass compiler
khalillechelt / idiomatic.js
Forked from rwaldron/idiomatic.jsPrinciples of Writing Consistent, Idiomatic JavaScript
Wilto / dotfiles
Forked from necolas/dotfilesdotfiles: bash, git, osx, etc.