- 🔭 I am currently working on rooting different boxes on Hack The Box and spending time on TryHackMe
- 🌱 I’m currently learning Go and Rust
- 👯 I’m currently looking for Winter 2023 SWE and Cyber Security Internship opportunities
- 🥅 2022 Goals: Participate in more CTFs and Hackathons, and lose some weight!(well that's every year's goal so nothing special)
- ⚡ Fun fact: I once performed 2 consecutive flips in one swirl of a pancake
- Waterloo, Ontario
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place-me-up Public✈️ Place Me Up is an Airbnb Clone bulit using React and deployed to FirebaseJavaScript 2
pal-connect Public📹 Pal Connect is a Zoom Clone built with NodeJS and utilizes WebRTC and PeerJS for real-time connection
JavaScript 1
bash-scripts PublicRepo containing all the projects that I made while learning Bash Scripting
Shell 1
react-burger-shack Public🚀 Inspired by CS 136's burger shack, something every CS 136 kid had a great time with
JavaScript 1
unix-commands.md 1# Basic commands in Unix Systems
2- Finding the username of the currently logged in user: **`whoami`**
3- Finding all the users: **`who`**
4- Printing text: **`echo "your_text"`**
5- New line character: **`-n`**
htb-walkthroughs Public🚧 Repo containing all my walkthroughs through the different HTB machines I have pawned
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