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The collection automates the management and provisioning of infrastructure as code (IaC) using the Terraform CLI tool within Ansible playbooks and Execution Environment runtimes.


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Terraform Collection for Ansible Automation Platform

The cloud.terraform collection houses modules that help in the management and provisioning of infrastructure as code using Terraform CLI tool within Ansible playbooks and Execution Environment runtimes.


cloud.terraform is intended to support similar automation capabilities consistent with other cloud provisioning tool integrations for Ansible such as AWS Cloudformation, Azure Resource Manager and Helm with the added challenge of effectively managing a state file.


Ansible version compatibility

This collection requires Ansible Core 2.15 or later and thus Python 3.9 or later.

Included content

Inventory plugins

Name Description
cloud.terraform.terraform_provider Builds an inventory from Terraform state file.
cloud.terraform.terraform_state Builds an inventory from resources created by cloud providers.

Lookup plugins

Name Description
cloud.terraform.tf_output Reads state file outputs.


Name Description
cloud.terraform.plan_stash Handle the base64 encoding or decoding of a terraform plan file
cloud.terraform.terraform Manages a Terraform deployment (and plans)
cloud.terraform.terraform_output Returns Terraform module outputs.


You can install the cloud.terraform collection with the Ansible Galaxy CLI:

ansible-galaxy collection install cloud.terraform

You can also include it in a requirements.yml file and install it with ansible-galaxy collection install -r requirements.yml, using the format:

  - name: cloud.terraform

A specific version of the collection can be installed by using the version keyword in the requirements.yml file:

  - name: cloud.terraform
    version: 1.1.0

Use Cases

This collection is intended to support the following use cases:

  • Automated create, update and teardown of infrastructure using an existing Terraform plan
  • Transparent fetch and store Terraform state file to a remote source
  • Read information from an existing Terraform state file
  • Fetch Terraform project (plan and var) files from an external source such git with a Role
  • Utilizing state files as dynamic inventory source with a Terraform Provider

This collection is not intended to manage the installation, configuration and operation of local developer instances of Terraform. Some of these operations may be possible through the overlap with the scope of this work, but not mean to be explicitly and comprehensively through modules, plugins and documentation support of this collection. This includes:

  • Direct manipulation of Terraform state files (mv, rm, import)
  • Direct manipulation or generation of Terraform plan files and variable files (fmt)
  • Managing Terraform Workspaces
  • Console subcommand
  • Graph subcommand

You can either call modules by their Fully Qualified Collection Name (FQCN), such as cloud.terraform.terraform, or you can call modules by their short name if you list the cloud.terraform collection in the playbook's collections keyword:

  - name: Basic deploy of a service
      project_path: '{{ project_dir }}'
      state: present
  # Inventory built from state file containing AWS, AzureRM and GCP instances
  - name: Create inventory from state file containing AWS, AzureRM and GCP instances
    plugin: cloud.terraform.terraform_state
    backend_type: azurerm
      resource_group_name: my-resource-group
      storage_account_name: mystorageaccount
      container_name: terraformstate
      key: inventory.tfstate

  # Encode terraform plan file into variable 'stashed_plan'
  - name: Encode a terraform plan file into terraform_plan variable
      path: /path/to/terraform_plan_file
      var_name: stashed_plan
      state: stash
    no_log: true

  # Load terraform plan file from variable 'stashed_plan'
  - name: Load a terraform plan file data from variable 'stashed_plan' into file 'tfplan'
      path: tfplan
      var_name: stashed_plan
      state: load
    no_log: true


The project uses mypy and black. Black works without special configuration, while mypy requires a valid package structure. Assuming this repository is checked out in the proper structure, e.g. collections_root/ansible_collections/cloud/terraform/, run:

black --check --diff .
black .

export MYPYPATH="$(realpath "$PWD/../../../")"
mypy -p

Sanity and unit tests are run as normal:

ansible-test sanity
ansible-test units
antsibull-docs lint-collection-docs .

To run integration tests, install terraform and ensure it is in your PATH. If you want to run cloud integration tests, ensure you log in to the clouds:

### using the "default" profile on AWS
aws configure set aws_access_key_id     my-access-key
aws configure set aws_secret_access_key my-secret-key
aws configure set region                eu-north-1

### Azure login
az login
az account set --subscription <id>

### GCP login
gcloud auth application-default login
gcloud auth application-default set-quota-project <id>

black --check --diff .
MYPYPATH="$(realpath "$PWD/../../../")" mypy -p
ansible-test integration [target] [--exclude aws|azure|gcp]

### Generate docs
ansible-doc --list | grep cloud.terraform | cut -d " " -f 1 | xargs -I {} antsibull-docs plugin --dest-dir docs/ {}

Contributing to this collection

We welcome community contributions to this collection. If you find problems, please open an issue or create a PR against this collection repository. See for more details.


For the latest supported versions, refer to the release notes below.

If you encounter issues or have questions, you can submit a support request through the following channels:

  • GitHub Issues: Report bugs, request features, or ask questions by opening an issue in the GitHub repository.

Release Notes

See the raw generated changelog.

Related Information


GNU General Public License v3.0 or later.

See LICENSE to see the full text.


The collection automates the management and provisioning of infrastructure as code (IaC) using the Terraform CLI tool within Ansible playbooks and Execution Environment runtimes.




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