Share state between clients and Vite server.
npm i -D vite-plugin-vue-server-ref
Add plugin to your vite.config.ts
// vite.config.ts
import ServerRef from 'vite-plugin-vue-server-ref'
export default {
plugins: [
state: {
/* Your custom initial state */
foo: 'bar',
object: {
count: 0
Use import it in your modules (server-ref:[key]
import foo from 'server-ref:foo'
console.log(foo.value) // bar
foo.value = 'foobar'
// same as other modules / clients imported the server ref with same key
// or even refresh the pages
console.log(foo.value) // foobar
Or working with reactive object (server-reactive:[key]
import object from 'server-reactive:object'
console.log(object.count) // 0
As server import can't infer the type correctly (by default it's ServerRef<any>
), you can using as
to specify the type.
import type { ServerReactive, ServerRef } from 'vite-plugin-vue-server-ref/client'
import _foo from 'server-ref:foo'
import _object from 'server-ref:object'
const foo = _foo as ServerRef<string>
const object = _object as ServerReactive<{ count: number }>
foo.value // string
object.count // number
import foo from 'server-ref:foo'
foo.$syncUp = false // make it download only
foo.value = 'foobar' // won't send to server or other clients
import foo from 'server-ref:foo'
foo.$syncDown = false // make it upload only
// changes from other clients won't be received
import foo from 'server-ref:foo'
// listen to server change
foo.$onSet((value) => {
console.log(`Changes from server: ${value}`)
When working with reactive objects, you can add ?diff
to make the syncing incremental (deep diff).
import object from 'server-ref:object?diff'
console.log(object) // { foo: ..., bar: ... } = 'bar'
// the patch will be sent as '{ foo: { nested: 'bar' }}}'
// instead of the entire object
MIT License © 2021 Anthony Fu