In this folder path, run the following command to start the cluster.
docker-compose up
This command starts individual containers for the following services:
- ZooKeeper (3)
- BookKeeper (3)
- Pulsar (3)
- Proxy (1)
- WebSocket (1)
- Function (1)
Most of what is available with Docker and Apache Pulsar uses the standalone version of Apache Pulsar, which is fantastic. But, users need to take care of all of the complexity of Apache Pulsar.
This aims to create a Docker implementation that allows each individual part to be exposed to learn how it all fits together.
Assume that localhost addresses for the following endpoints are available:
broker-admin - http://localhost:8080: access the broker REST interface
broker-service-url - pulsar//:locahost:6650: broker service URL for use with producers and consumers
You can shut it down with the following command in the folder path:
docker-compose down
You may need to delete the ./data
folder created by the Pulsar Manager.
Docker is notorious for being difficult to manage the startup order of containers. In Pulsar, startup order is very significant. This may cause some containers to fail and have to be restarted.
Generally speaking, everything should be started up successfully in about 2 minutes.
If you plan to use this in production, more care should be taken on restart policies, logging, configuration, etc.