This module contains microbenchmarks for Apache Pulsar.
The benchmarks are written using JMH. To compile & run the benchmarks, use the following command:
# Compile everything for creating the shaded microbenchmarks.jar file
mvn -Pcore-modules,microbench,-main -T 1C clean package
# run the benchmarks using the standalone shaded jar in any environment
java -jar microbench/target/microbenchmarks.jar
For fast recompiling of the benchmarks (without compiling Pulsar modules) and creating the shaded jar, you can use the following command:
mvn -Pmicrobench -pl microbench clean package
Display help:
java -jar microbench/target/microbenchmarks.jar -h
Listing all benchmarks:
java -jar microbench/target/microbenchmarks.jar -l
Running specific benchmarks:
java -jar microbench/target/microbenchmarks.jar ".*BenchmarkName.*"
Checking what benchmarks match the pattern:
java -jar microbench/target/microbenchmarks.jar ".*BenchmarkName.*" -lp
Profiling benchmarks with async-profiler:
# example of profiling with async-profiler
# download async-profiler from
java -jar microbench/target/microbenchmarks.jar -prof async:libPath=$LIBASYNCPROFILER_PATH\;output=flamegraph\;dir=profile-results ".*BenchmarkName.*"