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A secure, multi-user password management application built with C# WPF using LINQ to SQL and following the MVVM pattern. The application demonstrates essential security features including password encryption, two-factor authentication, and role-based access control.


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Password Manager

A secure, multi-user password management application built with C# WPF using LINQ to SQL and following the MVVM pattern. The application demonstrates essential security features including password encryption, two-factor authentication, and role-based access control.

Technologies Used

  • Framework: .NET Framework 4.8
  • UI: Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF)
  • Architecture: Model-View-ViewModel (MVVM)
  • Database: Microsoft SQL Server with LINQ to SQL
  • Security: AES encryption, PBKDF2 password hashing, TOTP-based 2FA

Project Structure

The solution consists of three projects with clear separation of concerns:

graph TD
    A[PasswordManager.App] --> B[PasswordManager.Core]
    A --> C[PasswordManager.Data]
    C --> B


  • Contains core business logic and interfaces
  • Defines models and service interfaces
  • Implements security services and MVVM base classes
  • Has no dependencies on other projects


  • Handles data access using LINQ to SQL
  • Implements repository pattern
  • References only PasswordManager.Core
  • Contains database mappings and configurations


  • WPF user interface implementation
  • Contains Views and ViewModels
  • References both Core and Data projects
  • Implements UI-specific converters and services

Security Features

Password Encryption

  • Uses AES encryption for stored passwords
  • Implements secure key management
  • Example from EncryptionService.cs:
public string Encrypt(string plainText)
    using (Aes aes = Aes.Create())
        aes.Key = Convert.FromBase64String(_key);
        aes.IV = _iv;
        ICryptoTransform encryptor = aes.CreateEncryptor(aes.Key, aes.IV);
        // ... encryption implementation

Two-Factor Authentication

  • TOTP-based 2FA using standard algorithms
  • QR code generation for easy setup
  • Secure secret key management
  • Example usage from SecurityService.cs:
public bool ValidateTwoFactorCode(string secretKey, string code)
    var keyBytes = Base32Encoding.ToBytes(secretKey);
    var totp = new Totp(keyBytes);
    return totp.VerifyTotp(code, out long timeStepMatched, window);

Role-Based Access

The application supports three user roles:

graph TD
    A[User Roles] --> B[User]
    A --> C[Administrator]
    A --> D[IT Specialist]
    B --> B1[Manage own passwords]
    B --> B2[Enable/disable 2FA]
    C --> C1[Manage users]
    C --> C2[Reset passwords]
    C --> C3[View audit logs]
    D --> D1[Monitor login attempts]
    D --> D2[View security metrics]
    D --> D3[Generate security reports]

Role-Specific Features

  • User: Basic password management and 2FA setup
  • Administrator: User management and system auditing
  • IT Specialist: Security monitoring and threat analysis

MVVM Implementation


Each major feature has its own ViewModel inheriting from ViewModelBase:

public abstract class ViewModelBase : INotifyPropertyChanged
    public event PropertyChangedEventHandler PropertyChanged;
    protected virtual void OnPropertyChanged([CallerMemberName] string propertyName = null)
        PropertyChanged?.Invoke(this, new PropertyChangedEventArgs(propertyName));


Uses RelayCommand for MVVM command pattern implementation:

public class RelayCommand : ICommand
    private readonly Action<object> _execute;
    private readonly Func<object, bool> _canExecute;
    public RelayCommand(Action<object> execute, Func<object, bool> canExecute = null)
        _execute = execute ?? throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(execute));
        _canExecute = canExecute;

Database Schema

    Users ||--o{ StoredPasswords : has
    Users ||--o{ AuditLog : generates
    Users }|--|| Roles : has
    Users {
        int UserId PK
        string Username
        string PasswordHash
        string Email
        int RoleId FK
        boolean TwoFactorEnabled
        string TwoFactorSecret
        datetime LastLoginDate
    StoredPasswords {
        int PasswordId PK
        int UserId FK
        string SiteName
        string SiteUrl
        string Username
        string EncryptedPassword
        datetime CreatedDate
    Roles {
        int RoleId PK
        string RoleName
    AuditLog {
        int LogId PK
        int UserId FK
        datetime ActionDate
        string Action
        string Details

Repository Pattern

The application implements the repository pattern for data access:

public interface IStoredPasswordRepository
    StoredPasswordModel GetById(int passwordId);
    IEnumerable<StoredPasswordModel> GetByUserId(int userId);
    void Create(StoredPasswordModel password);
    void Update(StoredPasswordModel password);
    void Delete(int passwordId);

Getting Started

  1. Create the database using the provided SQL scripts
  2. Update the connection string in App.config
  3. Generate an encryption key using the provided utility
  4. Build and run the application

Key Features

  1. Password Management

    • Secure storage of passwords
    • Password generation
    • Password strength evaluation
    • Password expiration tracking
  2. Security Monitoring

    • Failed login tracking
    • Suspicious activity detection
    • Audit logging
    • Security metrics dashboard
  3. User Administration

    • User account management
    • Role assignment
    • Password reset functionality
    • Activity monitoring

Best Practices Demonstrated

  1. Separation of Concerns

    • Clear project structure
    • MVVM pattern implementation
    • Repository pattern for data access
  2. Security

    • Secure password storage
    • Two-factor authentication
    • Encryption for sensitive data
    • Audit logging
  3. SOLID Principles

    • Interface segregation
    • Dependency injection
    • Single responsibility
  4. Code Organization

    • Consistent naming conventions
    • Clear folder structure
    • Proper use of interfaces
    • Service-based architecture


A secure, multi-user password management application built with C# WPF using LINQ to SQL and following the MVVM pattern. The application demonstrates essential security features including password encryption, two-factor authentication, and role-based access control.





