It's servers.dat syntax highlighting for VIM. This will mean almost nothing to almost everybody... because almost nobody uses Servermattic but us...
This, mainly
Put these files in these places
- ftdetect/serversdat.vim ->
- syntax/serversdat.vim ->
- ftplugin/serversdat.vim ->
Vim, using the vim-plug plugin manager
Add Plug 'apokalyptik/vim-servers-dot-dat'
to your ~/.vimrc and run :PlugInstall
VIM, using the Vundle plugin manager
Add Plugin 'apokalyptik/vim-servers-dot-dat'
to your ~/.vimrc and run :PluginInstall
If you're smart enough to be using other VIM plugin managers, and know what this does, and need this, then i have faith that you're smart enough to adapt the examples above to whatever it is you're using :D