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5th in-class project of rocketseat's nodejs course. Following the clean architecture structure, it was implemented the outside parts: interface adapters (controllers, gateways, presenters) and infrastructure (database, frameworks, etc). This project is a continuation of the 4th in-class one. All project was implemented using the framework NestJs

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📦 Q&A Forum API

A RESTful API for forum managing, allowing users to create, update, delete and comment on questions or theirs answers.

📌 Table of Contents

📖 About

Q&A Forum API is a backend service that powers a question-and-answer platform, allowing users to post questions, provide answers, and engage through comments. The API ensures structured discussions with support for file attachments and authentication.

Built with a scalable and modular architecture, it follows SOLID principles, Clean Architecture, and Domain-Driven Design (DDD) to maintain separation of concerns and extensibility.

Key Features:

  • User Authentication: Secure sign-up, login, and session management using JWT (RS256 algorithm).
  • Question Management: Users can create, edit, and delete questions.
  • Answer & Comment System: Structured responses with discussion threading.
  • File Attachments: Support for image and document uploads.
  • Scalable Architecture: Repository pattern, use cases, and separation of domain and infrastructure layers.

🚀 Technologies

The Q&A Forum API is built with a scalable and maintainable stack, following Clean Architecture and Domain-Driven Design (DDD) principles:

  • 🟢 NestJS (Express) – Modular and structured Node.js framework.
  • 📌 TypeScript – Statically typed JavaScript for better maintainability.
  • 🐘 PostgreSQL + Prisma ORM – SQL database with a type-safe ORM for data persistence.
  • 🗄️ Redis – In-memory database for caching and performance optimization.
  • 🐳 Docker – Containerized infrastructure for consistent deployment.
  • 📦 Clean Architecture – Separation of concerns for a scalable and modular codebase.
  • 🔐 JWT Authentication (RS256) – Secure user authentication with private/public key encryption.
  • 🛡️ Zod – Schema-based validation for environment variables, request body, query, and params.
  • 🧪 Vitest + Supertest – Unit and integration testing for API reliability.
  • 📁 Cloudflare R2 (or S3) – Cloud-based storage for file attachments.
  • 📝 ESLint – Code formatting and linting for maintaining code consistency.
  • 🔑 bcryptjs – Password hashing and comparison for authentication.

⚙️ Requirements

To run this project, you need:

  • 🐳 Docker – Runs the entire application (PostgreSQL, Redis, and the built image).
  • 🪣 Cloudflare R2 or Amazon S3 – Object storage for handling file uploads.

📦 Installation

Clone the repository:

git clone

Then, create a bucket with Amazon Web Services (AWS) S3 or Cloudflare R2. Skipping this step will break attachment-related controllers, but other app functions should work properly.

Additionally, you need to generate private and public keys following the RS256 algorithm for JWT authentication. These keys should then be added to the .env file:


⚙️ Configuration

Create a .env file based on the example:

cp .env.example .env

Edit .env with the correct database credentials:

- PostgreSQL:
# If running with docker: Set in docker-compose

- RS256 algorithm:

- Cloudflare R2 or AWS S3:

- Redis:
REDIS_HOST="" # Optional. If running with docker: Set in docker-compose according to service name
REDIS_PORT="6379" # Optional
REDIS_DB="0" # Optional

▶️ Running the Project

Run the project with Docker Compose:

docker-compose up -d

Then, after Docker Compose finishes setting up containers, application will listen to http://localhost:3333

📌 API Routes

🔐 Authentication

POST /sessions

  • Description: Authenticate a user and return an access token.
  • Body:
      "email": "",
      "password": "password123"
  • Response:
      "access_token": "someToken"

👤 User Management

POST /accounts

  • Description: Create a new user account.
  • Body:
      "name": "John Doe",
      "email": "",
      "password": "password123"
  • Response:
    • 201: Account created successfully.
    • 400: Bad request - Invalid input data.
    • 409: Conflict - User already exists.

❓ Questions

POST /questions

  • Description: Create a new question.
  • Response:
    • 201: Question created successfully.
    • 400: Bad request - Invalid input data.

GET /questions

  • Description: Fetch recent questions with pagination.
  • Parameters:
    • page (optional): Page number for pagination.
  • Response:
    • 200: Successfully fetched questions.
    • 400: Bad request - Invalid input data.

GET /questions/{slug}

  • Description: Get a question by its slug.
  • Parameters:
    • slug (required): The slug of the question.
  • Response:
    • 200: Successfully get question details.
    • 400: Bad request - Invalid slug or data.

PUT /questions/{id}

  • Description: Edit an existing question.
  • Parameters:
    • id (required): The ID of the question to edit.
  • Body:
      "title": "Updated title",
      "content": "Updated content",
      "attachments": []
  • Response:
    • 204: Question edited successfully.
    • 400: Bad request - Invalid input data.

DELETE /questions/{id}

  • Description: Delete a question by its ID.
  • Parameters:
    • id (required): The ID of the question to delete.
  • Response:
    • 204: Question deleted successfully.
    • 400: Bad request - Invalid input data or operation.

💬 Answers

POST /questions/{questionId}/answers

  • Description: Answer a specific question.
  • Parameters:
    • questionId (required): The ID of the question to answer.
  • Body:
      "content": "This is how you use the API.",
      "attachments": []
  • Response:
    • 201: Answer successfully created.
    • 400: Bad request - Invalid data or inputs.

GET /questions/{questionId}/answers

  • Description: Fetch answers for a specific question with pagination.
  • Parameters:
    • questionId (required): The ID of the question.
    • page (optional): Page number for pagination.
  • Response:
    • 200: Successfully fetched the answers.
    • 400: Bad request - Invalid input data.

PUT /answers/{id}

  • Description: Edit an existing answer.
  • Parameters:
    • id (required): The ID of the answer to edit.
  • Body:
      "content": "Updated answer content.",
      "attachments": []
  • Response:
    • 204: Answer edited successfully.
    • 400: Bad request - Invalid input data.

DELETE /answers/{id}

  • Description: Delete an answer by its ID.
  • Parameters:
    • id (required): The ID of the answer to delete.
  • Response:
    • 204: Answer deleted successfully.
    • 400: Bad request - Invalid input or the answer does not exist.

PATCH /answers/{answerId}/choose-as-best

  • Description: Choose a best answer for a question.
  • Parameters:
    • answerId (required): The ID of the answer to mark as best.
  • Response:
    • 204: The answer has been successfully chosen as the best answer.
    • 400: Bad request - The action could not be performed.

💬 Comments

POST /questions/{questionId}/comments

  • Description: Post a comment on a question.
  • Parameters:
    • questionId (required): The ID of the question to comment on.
  • Response:
    • 201: The comment has been successfully created.
    • 400: Bad request - The action could not be performed.

GET /questions/{questionId}/comments

  • Description: Fetch comments for a specific question with pagination.
  • Parameters:
    • questionId (required): The ID of the question.
    • page (optional): Page number for pagination.
  • Response:
    • 200: Successfully fetched the question comments.
    • 400: Bad request - Invalid input data.

DELETE /questions/comments/{id}

  • Description: Delete a comment on a question by its ID.
  • Parameters:
    • id (required): The ID of the comment to delete.
  • Response:
    • 204: Comment deleted successfully.
    • 400: Bad request - Invalid input data or operation.

POST /answers/{answerId}/comments

  • Description: Post a comment on an answer.
  • Parameters:
    • answerId (required): The ID of the answer to comment on.
  • Response:
    • 201: The comment has been successfully created.
    • 400: Bad request - The action could not be performed.

GET /answers/{answerId}/comments

  • Description: Fetch comments for a specific answer with pagination.
  • Parameters:
    • answerId (required): The ID of the answer.
    • page (optional): Page number for pagination.
  • Response:
    • 200: Successfully fetched the answer comments.
    • 400: Bad request - Invalid input data.

DELETE /answers/comments/{id}

  • Description: Delete a comment on an answer by its ID.
  • Parameters:
    • id (required): The ID of the comment to delete.
  • Response:
    • 204: Comment deleted successfully.
    • 400: Bad request - Invalid input or the comment does not exist.

📎 Attachments

POST /attachments

  • Description: Upload and create an attachment (image or PDF).
  • Response:
    • 200: Successfully got the attachment.
    • 400: Bad request - Invalid file type or file size.

🔔 Notifications

PATCH /notifications/{notificationId}/read

  • Description: Mark a notification as read.
  • Parameters:
    • notificationId (required): The ID of the notification to mark as read.
  • Response:
    • 204: Successfully marked the notification as read.
    • 400: Bad request - Invalid notification ID or data.

✅ Tests

Run unit tests with:

npm run test

Run end-to-end (e2e) tests with:

npm run test:e2e

🤝 Contribution

Want to contribute? Follow these steps:

  1. Fork the repository.
  2. Create a new branch: git checkout -b feature-branch.
  3. Make your changes and commit: git commit -m "Added new feature".
  4. Push to your fork: git push origin feature-branch.
  5. Open a Pull Request.

📝 License

This project is under the MIT License – see the LICENSE file for details.

📩 Contact

For support or inquiries, contact:


5th in-class project of rocketseat's nodejs course. Following the clean architecture structure, it was implemented the outside parts: interface adapters (controllers, gateways, presenters) and infrastructure (database, frameworks, etc). This project is a continuation of the 4th in-class one. All project was implemented using the framework NestJs







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