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Actions Runner Controller (ARC)

ARC on OCP Fork Documentation


  • Run ARC on Openshift without defeating the Openshift security
  • Be able to build container images in Actions workflows run by ARC runners
    • Kaniko will be used since it does not require root privilege on the cluster nodes

What has been done so far


  • Improve the kaniko-build-push action to handle more cases


Create a local Openshift Cluster using CRC

  1. Download CRC from Red Hat website
  2. crc setup
    • you'll need the pull secret that you can retrieve from the Red Hat portal
  3. crc start
  4. Once the cluster has started, run crc console --credentials to retrieve the command line to authenticate as cluster admin
  5. oc login -u kubeadmin -p hR5Dp.....dYIrS-zDu6V https://api.crc.testing:6443

Install the ARC controller

There is nothing to modify compared to the default ARC controller install on K8S:

helm install arc \
    --namespace "${NAMESPACE}" \
    --create-namespace \

Prepare the runner auth secret using the GitHub app info

We use the GitHub app auth method to authenticate ARC runners to GitHub.

# Once you installed your own app on the org with the above doc:
$ APP_ID=813936
$ INSTALL_ID=46842723
$ GPG_KEY=./gpg.key # the gpg key file is retrieved from and stored locally

$ oc new-project arc-runners
$ oc create secret generic pre-defined-secret \
   --namespace=arc-runners \
   --from-literal=github_app_id=$APP_ID \
   --from-literal=github_app_installation_id=$INSTALL_ID \

# Verify the secret
$ oc extract --to=- secret/pre-defined-secret

Deploy the ARC runner set for OCP (root version)

$ cd actions-runner-controller/

$ INSTALLATION_NAME="arc-runner-set-ocp"
helm upgrade --install "${INSTALLATION_NAME}" \
    --namespace "${NAMESPACE}" \
    --values ./charts/gha-runner-scale-set/values-openshift.yaml \
    --set githubConfigUrl="" \
    --set githubConfigSecret="pre-defined-secret" \
    --set minRunners=1 \

# Allow the runners to use sudo and anyuid
# By default, the runner process runs with UID 1001 but it can do sudo for certain tasks 
$ oc adm policy add-scc-to-user anyuid -z arc-runner-set-ocp-gha-rs-no-permission -n arc-runners

Deploy the ARC runner set for OCP (rootless version)

$ cd actions-runner-controller/

$ INSTALLATION_NAME="arc-runner-set-ocp"
helm upgrade --install "${INSTALLATION_NAME}" \
    --namespace "${NAMESPACE}" \
    --values ./charts/gha-runner-scale-set/values-openshift-rootless.yaml \
    --set githubConfigUrl="" \
    --set githubConfigSecret="pre-defined-secret" \
    --set minRunners=1 \

Test the setup

Go to the Actions tab of the test repository (where the kaniko actions and test workflow resides) and trigger manually the test workflow.

Below is the original actions-runner-controller repo README


Actions Runner Controller (ARC) is a Kubernetes operator that orchestrates and scales self-hosted runners for GitHub Actions.

With ARC, you can create runner scale sets that automatically scale based on the number of workflows running in your repository, organization, or enterprise. Because controlled runners can be ephemeral and based on containers, new runner instances can scale up or down rapidly and cleanly. For more information about autoscaling, see "Autoscaling with self-hosted runners."

You can set up ARC on Kubernetes using Helm, then create and run a workflow that uses runner scale sets. For more information about runner scale sets, see "Deploying runner scale sets with Actions Runner Controller."


Actions Runner Controller (ARC) is an open-source project currently developed and maintained in collaboration with the GitHub Actions team, external maintainers @mumoshu and @toast-gear, various contributors, and the awesome community.

If you think the project is awesome and is adding value to your business, please consider directly sponsoring community maintainers and individual contributors via GitHub Sponsors.

In case you are already the employer of one of contributors, sponsoring via GitHub Sponsors might not be an option. Just support them in other means!

See the sponsorship dashboard for the former and the current sponsors.

Getting Started

To give ARC a try with just a handful of commands, Please refer to the Quickstart guide.

For an overview of ARC, please refer to About ARC

With the introduction of autoscaling runner scale sets, the existing autoscaling modes are now legacy. The legacy modes have certain use cases and will continue to be maintained by the community only.

For further information on what is supported by GitHub and what's managed by the community, please refer to this announcement discussion.


ARC documentation is available on

Legacy documentation

The following documentation is for the legacy autoscaling modes that continue to be maintained by the community


We welcome contributions from the community. For more details on contributing to the project (including requirements), please refer to "Getting Started with Contributing."


We are very happy to help you with any issues you have. Please refer to the "Troubleshooting" section for common issues.