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- Please don't edit this section unless you're re-configuring how the powershell extension plugs in to AutoRest AutoRest needs the below config to pick this up as a plug-in - see
You can specify the following options in your configuration for modelerfour:
# this will speed up the serialization if you explicitly say you do or do not want yaml tags in the model
# default - both
emit-yaml-tags: undefined|true|false
# this will flatten modelers marked with 'x-ms-client-flatten'
# defaults to false if not specified
flatten-models: false|true
# this will flatten parameters when payload-flattening-threshold is specified (or marked in the input spec)
# defaults to false if not specified
flatten-payloads: false|true
# setting this to false will skip parameter flattening
# for operations that have multiple requests (ie, JSON and BINARY)
multiple-request-parameter-flattening: true|false
# this runs a pre-namer step to clean up names
# defaults to true if not specified
prenamer: true|false
# relaxes schema duplication checks to allow schemas with the
# same name and renames duplicate schema names with a suffix
# of "AutoGenerated" with an additional numeric suffix if more
# than 2 duplicates of the same name are detected.
# defaults to false if not specified.
# NOTE: This parameter is a temporary workaround and will be
# removed in a future release!
lenient-model-deduplication: false|true
# does a check to see if names in schemas/enums/etc will collide
# off by default
resolve-schema-name-collisons: false|true
# if you want to keep the flattened models even if they are not used
# off by default
keep-unused-flattened-models: false|true
# merges response headers into response objects
# defaults to false if not specified
# not implemented
merge-response-headers: false|true
# enables parameter grouping via x-ms-parameter-grouping
# defaults to false if not specified
group-parameters: false|true
# some additional sanity checks to help debugging
# defaults to false
additional-checks: true|false
# always create the content-type parameter for binary requests
# when it's only one possible value, make it a constant.
always-create-content-type-parameter: false|true
# always create the Accept parameter
always-create-accept-parameter: true|false
# always create SealedChoiceSchema for x-ms-enum schemas no matter
# what the settings are. This can be used to smooth migration from
# remodeler to modelerfour.
always-seal-x-ms-enum: false|true
# In the case where a type only definition is to inherit another type remove it.
# e.g. ChildSchema: {allOf: [ParentSchema]}.
# In this case ChildSchema will be removed and all reference to it will be updated to point to ParentSchema
remove-empty-child-schemas: false|true
# Disable anyobject type and default to type any instead.
# This is a temporary flag to smooth transition. It WILL be removed in a future version.
treat-type-object-as-anything: false|true
# customization of the identifier normalization and naming provided by the prenamer.
# pascal|pascalcase - MultiWordIdentifier
# camel|camelcase - multiWordIdentifier
# snake|snakecase - multi_word_identifier
# upper|uppercase - MULTI_WORD_IDENTIFIER
# kebab|kebabcase - multi-word-identifier
# space|spacecase - spaces between recognized words
# default is the first one in the list below:
# you can prefix or postfix a formatted name with + (ie, '_ + camel' or 'pascal + _' )
preserve-uppercase-max-length: <number> #defaults to 3
parameter: camel|pascal|snake|upper|kebab|space
property: camel|pascal|snake|upper|kebab|space
operation: pascal|camel|snake|upper|kebab|space
operationGroup: pascal|camel|snake|upper|kebab|space
choice: pascal|camel|snake|upper|kebab|space
choiceValue: pascal|camel|snake|upper|kebab|space
constant: pascal|camel|snake|upper|kebab|space
type: pascal|camel|snake|upper|kebab|space
client: pascal|camel|snake|upper|kebab|space
local: _ + camel
global: camel
override: # a key/value mapping of names to force to a certain value
cmyk: CMYK
$host: $host
Default options:
always-create-accept-parameter: true
pipeline-model: v3
modelerfour-loaded: true
# By default, modeler-four based generators will not use the deduplicator or subset reducer
# if we need to easily disable this set the enable-deduplication flag.
- model-deduplicator
- subset-reducer
override: # defaults
cmyk: CMYK
$host: $host
input: openapi-document/multi-api/identity
- prechecker
input: modelerfour
input: modelerfour/new-transform
input: modelerfour/flattener
input: modelerfour/flattener/new-transform
input: modelerfour/grouper
input: modelerfour/grouper/new-transform
input: modelerfour/pre-namer
- modelerfour/pre-namer/new-transform
- prechecker
input: modelerfour/checker
input: modelerfour/identity
scope: scope-modelerfour/emitter
input: modelerfour/identity
scope: scope-modelerfour/notags/emitter
scope-modelerfour/emitter: # writing to disk settings
input-artifact: code-model-v4
is-object: true # tells autorest that it is an object graph instead of a text document
output-uri-expr: | # forces filename if it gets written to disk.
scope-modelerfour/notags/emitter: # writing to disk settings
input-artifact: code-model-v4-no-tags
is-object: true # tells autorest that it is an object graph instead of a text document
output-uri-expr: | # forces filename if it gets written to disk.
# the default preference for modeler-four based generators is to deduplicate inline models fully.
# this may impact performance on extremely large models with a lot of inline schemas.
deduplicate-inline-models: true
- prechecker
- modelerfour/identity
- inspector
to: inspect-document
- inspector/codemodel/reset-identity