A powerful Shopify CLI plugin that enhances theme development with modular, reusable Liquid components. The Devkit CLI plugin simplifies the process of building, managing, and maintaining Shopify themes by providing a component-based architecture.
Devkit introduces a component-driven approach to Shopify theme development, allowing you to:
- Build themes using modular, reusable components
- Develop components in isolation before integrating them into your theme
- Generate import maps for JavaScript modules
- Synchronize and clean theme locale files efficiently
- And more!
The plugin-devkit
repository is a foundational part of the Archetype Devkit preview.
You'll need to ensure you have the following installed on your local development machine:
- Latest version of Node.js and npm (or another package manager of your choice)
- Shopify CLI
Install the Shopify CLI plugin:
shopify plugins install plugin-devkit
shopify theme component
shopify theme component clean [THEMEDIR]
shopify theme component copy THEMEDIR
shopify theme component dev [COMPONENTSELECTOR]
shopify theme component install THEMEDIR [COMPONENTSELECTOR]
shopify theme component map THEMEDIR [COMPONENTSELECTOR]
shopify theme generate import-map [THEMEDIR]
shopify theme generate template-map [THEMEDIR]
shopify theme locale clean [THEMEDIR]
shopify theme locale sync [THEMEDIR]
Devkit CLI plugin by Archetype Themes
$ shopify theme component [-v]
-v, --version Display plugin version
Devkit CLI plugin by Archetype Themes
See code: src/commands/theme/component/index.ts
Remove unused component files in a theme
$ shopify theme component clean [THEMEDIR] [-q]
THEMEDIR [default: .] path to theme directory
-q, --[no-]quiet Suppress non-essential output
Remove unused component files in a theme
$ shopify theme component clean theme-directory
See code: src/commands/theme/component/clean.ts
Copy files from a component collection into a theme
$ shopify theme component copy THEMEDIR [-n <value>] [-v <value>]
THEMEDIR path to theme directory
-n, --collection-name=<value> Name of the component collection
-v, --collection-version=<value> Version of the component collection
Copy files from a component collection into a theme
$ shopify theme component copy theme-directory
See code: src/commands/theme/component/copy.ts
Start a sandboxed development environment for components
$ shopify theme component dev [COMPONENTSELECTOR] [-n <value>] [-v <value>] [-t <value>] [-s] [-w] [-y] [-i] [-m]
[--host <value>] [--live-reload] [--port <value>] [--store-password <value>] [--theme <value>] [--store <value>]
[--environment <value>] [--password <value>]
COMPONENTSELECTOR [default: *] component name or names (comma-separated) or "*" for all components
-i, --generate-import-map Generate import map
-m, --generate-template-map Generate template map
-n, --collection-name=<value> Name of the component collection
-s, --[no-]setup-files Copy setup files to theme directory
-t, --theme-dir=<value> [default: https://github.com/archetype-themes/explorer] Directory that contains
theme files for development
-v, --collection-version=<value> Version of the component collection
-w, --[no-]watch Watch for changes in theme and component directories
-y, --[no-]preview Sync changes to theme directory
--environment=<value> The environment to apply to the current command.
--host=<value> Set which network interface the web server listens on. The default value is
--live-reload Reload the browser when changes are made.
--password=<value> Password generated from the Theme Access app.
--port=<value> Local port to serve theme preview from.
--store=<value> Store URL. It can be the store prefix (example.myshopify.com) or the complete URL.
--store-password=<value> The password for storefronts with password protection.
--theme=<value> Theme ID or name of the remote theme.
Start a sandboxed development environment for components
$ shopify theme component dev
$ shopify theme component dev header
$ shopify theme component dev header,footer,navigation
See code: src/commands/theme/component/dev.ts
Runs the map, copy, clean, and generate import-map commands in sequence
$ shopify theme component install THEMEDIR [COMPONENTSELECTOR] [-n <value>] [-v <value>]
THEMEDIR path to theme directory
COMPONENTSELECTOR [default: *] component name or names (comma-separated) or "*" for all components
-n, --collection-name=<value> Name of the component collection
-v, --collection-version=<value> Version of the component collection
Runs the map, copy, clean, and generate import-map commands in sequence
$ shopify theme component install theme-directory
$ shopify theme component install theme-directory header
$ shopify theme component install theme-directory header,footer,navigation
See code: src/commands/theme/component/install.ts
Generates or updates a component.manifest.json file with the component collection details and a file map
$ shopify theme component map THEMEDIR [COMPONENTSELECTOR] [-n <value>] [-v <value>] [-f] [-o]
THEMEDIR path to theme directory
COMPONENTSELECTOR [default: *] component name or names (comma-separated) or "*" for all components
-f, --ignore-conflicts Ignore conflicts when mapping components
-n, --collection-name=<value> Name of the component collection
-o, --ignore-overrides Ignore overrides when mapping components
-v, --collection-version=<value> Version of the component collection
Generates or updates a component.manifest.json file with the component collection details and a file map
$ shopify theme component map theme-directory
$ shopify theme component map theme-directory header
$ shopify theme component map theme-directory header,footer,navigation
See code: src/commands/theme/component/map.ts
Generate an import map for JavaScript files in the assets directory
$ shopify theme generate import-map [THEMEDIR] [-q]
THEMEDIR [default: .] path to theme directory
-q, --[no-]quiet Suppress non-essential output
Generate an import map for JavaScript files in the assets directory
See code: src/commands/theme/generate/import-map.ts
Generate a template map for component routes in the templates directory
$ shopify theme generate template-map [THEMEDIR] [-q]
THEMEDIR [default: .] path to theme directory
-q, --[no-]quiet Suppress non-essential output
Generate a template map for component routes in the templates directory
See code: src/commands/theme/generate/template-map.ts
Remove unreferenced translations from theme locale files
$ shopify theme locale clean [THEMEDIR] [--format] [--target all|schema|storefront]
THEMEDIR [default: .] path to theme directory
--format Format locale files by sorting keys alphabetically
--target=<option> [default: all] Target locale files to process:
- all: Process all locale files
- schema: Process only schema translations (*.schema.json)
- storefront: Process only storefront translations
<options: all|schema|storefront>
Remove unreferenced translations from theme locale files
$ shopify theme locale clean theme-directory
$ shopify theme locale clean theme-directory --target=schema
$ shopify theme locale clean theme-directory --target=storefront
See code: src/commands/theme/locale/clean.ts
Sync theme locale files with source translations
$ shopify theme locale sync [THEMEDIR] [-c] [--format] [-l <value>] [-m
add-missing|add-and-override|replace-existing] [--target all|schema|storefront]
THEMEDIR [default: .] path to theme directory
-c, --clean
Remove unreferenced translations from theme locale files
-l, --locales-source=<value>
[default: https://github.com/archetype-themes/locales] Directory that contains a "locales" folder with locale files
-m, --mode=<option>
[default: add-missing] Sync mode for locale files (only translations used in the theme will be processed):
- add-missing: Only add new translations that do not exist in theme locale files
- add-and-override: Add new translations and override existing ones with source values
- replace-existing: Replace values of existing translations with source values
<options: add-missing|add-and-override|replace-existing>
Format locale files by sorting keys alphabetically
[default: all] Target locale files to process:
- all: Process all locale files
- schema: Process only schema translations (*.schema.json)
- storefront: Process only storefront translations
<options: all|schema|storefront>
Sync theme locale files with source translations
$ shopify theme locale sync theme-directory
$ shopify theme locale sync theme-directory --clean
$ shopify theme locale sync theme-directory --clean --target=schema
$ shopify theme locale sync theme-directory --locales-source=path/to/directory
See code: src/commands/theme/locale/sync.ts
Interested in shaping the future of theme development with us? We welcome you to join our community! Your insights and discussions play a crucial role in our continuous improvement. We encourage you to:
- Start discussions
- Ask questions
- Provide feedback on our approach
- Report bugs
- Submit pull requests
For more detailed information on contributing, please see our CONTRIBUTING.md guide.
If you already have the plugin installed via npm, you'll need to uninstall it before developing locally:
# Uninstall the plugin
shopify plugins uninstall plugin-devkit
Then, follow these steps to set up local development:
- Clone the repository:
git clone https://github.com/archetype-themes/plugin-devkit.git
- Install dependencies:
cd plugin-devkit
npm install
- Build or watch for changes:
npm run watch # For development
# or
npm run build # For a one-time build
- Link the plugin to Shopify CLI:
shopify plugins link
Now you can make changes to the plugin code and test them locally.