Laravel advanced validation rules for real-life scenarios.
Install via composer
composer require arifszn/laravel-advanced-validation
Laravel uses Package Auto-Discovery, so doesn't require you to manually add the ServiceProvider.
If you wish to edit the package translations, you can run the following command to publish them into your resources/lang
php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Arifszn\AdvancedValidation\ServiceProvider"
You can specify the error message on the fly when declaring the rules. Simple pass the error message parameter.
use Arifszn\AdvancedValidation\Rules\Username;
public function rules()
return [
'foo' => [new Username('Your custom error message')],
Base64 Image
Base64 String
Btc Address
Credit Card
Data URI
Divisible By
Ethereum Address
Float Number
Image URL
Without Spaces
The field under validation must contain ASCII chars only.
public Arifszn\AdvancedValidation\Rules\Ascii::__construct(string $errorMessage = null)
use Arifszn\AdvancedValidation\Rules\Ascii;
public function rules()
return [
'foo' => [new Ascii()],
The field under validation must be a Base64 encoded image.
public Arifszn\AdvancedValidation\Rules\Base64Image::__construct(string $errorMessage = null)
use Arifszn\AdvancedValidation\Rules\Base64Image;
public function rules()
return [
'avatar' => [new Base64Image()],
The field under validation must be a Base64 encoded string.
public Arifszn\AdvancedValidation\Rules\Base64String::__construct(string $errorMessage = null)
use Arifszn\AdvancedValidation\Rules\Base64String;
public function rules()
return [
'foo' => [new Base64String()],
The field under validation must be a BIC(Business Identifier Code) or SWIFT code.
public Arifszn\AdvancedValidation\Rules\BIC::__construct(string $errorMessage = null)
use Arifszn\AdvancedValidation\Rules\BIC;
public function rules()
return [
'foo' => [new BIC()],
The field under validation must be a valid BTC address.
public Arifszn\AdvancedValidation\Rules\BtcAddress::__construct(string $errorMessage = null)
use Arifszn\AdvancedValidation\Rules\BtcAddress;
public function rules()
return [
'foo' => [new BtcAddress()],
The field under validation must be a valid credit card number.
public Arifszn\AdvancedValidation\Rules\CreditCard::__construct(string $errorMessage = null)
use Arifszn\AdvancedValidation\Rules\CreditCard;
public function rules()
return [
'foo' => [new CreditCard()],
The field under validation must have data uri format.
public Arifszn\AdvancedValidation\Rules\DataURI::__construct(string $errorMessage = null)
use Arifszn\AdvancedValidation\Rules\DataURI;
public function rules()
return [
'foo' => [new DataURI()],
The field under validation must be divisible by the given number.
public Arifszn\AdvancedValidation\Rules\DivisibleBy::__construct(int $number, string $errorMessage = null)
use Arifszn\AdvancedValidation\Rules\DivisibleBy;
public function rules()
return [
'foo' => [new DivisibleBy(2)],
The field under validation must be an Ethereum address. Does not validate address checksums.
public Arifszn\AdvancedValidation\Rules\EthereumAddress::__construct(string $errorMessage = null)
use Arifszn\AdvancedValidation\Rules\EthereumAddress;
public function rules()
return [
'foo' => [new EthereumAddress()],
The field under validation must be a float number.
public Arifszn\AdvancedValidation\Rules\FloatNumber::__construct(string $errorMessage = null)
use Arifszn\AdvancedValidation\Rules\FloatNumber;
public function rules()
return [
'foo' => [new FloatNumber()],
The field under validation must be a hash of type algorithm.
Algorithm is one of 'md4', 'md5', 'sha1', 'sha256', 'sha384', 'sha512', 'ripemd128', 'ripemd160', 'tiger128', 'tiger160', 'tiger192', 'crc32', 'crc32b'
public Arifszn\AdvancedValidation\Rules\Hash::__construct(string $algorithm, string $errorMessage = null)
use Arifszn\AdvancedValidation\Rules\Hash;
public function rules()
return [
'foo' => [new Hash('md4')],
The field under validation must be a valid image URL.
public Arifszn\AdvancedValidation\Rules\ImageURL::__construct(string $errorMessage = null)
use Arifszn\AdvancedValidation\Rules\ImageURL;
public function rules()
return [
'avatar' => [new ImageURL()],
The field under validation must have a valid format of JWT (JSON Web Token).
public Arifszn\AdvancedValidation\Rules\Jwt::__construct(string $errorMessage = null)
use Arifszn\AdvancedValidation\Rules\Jwt;
public function rules()
return [
'foo' => [new Jwt()],
The field under validation must be a valid name.
- no emoji
- no number (if
flag is true, it will accept numbers, default is false) - special characters are allowed (restricting special characters will cause false-negative for names like
Martin Luther King, Jr.
public Arifszn\AdvancedValidation\Rules\Name::__construct(bool $allowNumber = false, string $errorMessage = null)
use Arifszn\AdvancedValidation\Rules\Name;
public function rules()
return [
'name' => [new Name()],
The field under validation must be a valid phone number.
✓ +x-xxx-xxx-xxxx
✓ +xxxxxxxxxxx
✓ (xxx) xxx-xxxx
✓ xxxxxxxxxx
public Arifszn\AdvancedValidation\Rules\Phone::__construct(string $errorMessage = null)
use Arifszn\AdvancedValidation\Rules\Phone;
public function rules()
return [
'foo' => [new Phone()],
The field under validation must be a valid username.
- starts with a letter (alpha)
- only alpha-numeric (a-z, A-Z, 0-9), underscore, minus and dot
- multiple underscores, minus and are not allowed (-- or __ or ..)
- underscores, minus and dot are not allowed at the beginning or end
public Arifszn\AdvancedValidation\Rules\Username::__construct(string $errorMessage = null)
use Arifszn\AdvancedValidation\Rules\Username;
public function rules()
return [
'username' => [new Username()],
The field under validation must not contain spaces.
public Arifszn\AdvancedValidation\Rules\WithoutSpaces::__construct(string $errorMessage = null)
use Arifszn\AdvancedValidation\Rules\WithoutSpaces;
public function rules()
return [
'foo' => [new WithoutSpaces()],
If you want to use the rules as strings and use them globally e.g. 'foo' => ['phone']
, you can do so by adding them to the boot method of your project's AppServiceProvider.
namespace App\Providers;
use Illuminate\Support\ServiceProvider;
use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Validator;
use Arifszn\AdvancedValidation\Rules\Phone;
class AppServiceProvider extends ServiceProvider
public function boot()
(new Phone())->message()
composer test
Any contributors who want to make this project better can make contributions, which will be greatly appreciated. To contribute, clone this repo locally and commit your code to a new branch. Feel free to create an issue or make a pull request.

This package is licensed under the MIT License.