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Developer Guide


This document is intended for developers who want to contribute to the project. It contains information about the project structure, how to build the project, and how to run the tests.


Want to quickly get Armada running and test it? Install the Pre-requisites and then run:

mage localdev minimal testsuite

To get the UI running, run:

mage ui

A note for Devs on Arm / Windows

There is limited information on issues that appear on Arm / Windows Machines when running this setup.

Feel free to create a ticket if you encounter any issues, and link them to the relavent issue:

Design Docs

Please see these documents for more information about Armadas Design:

Other Useful Developer Docs


Using Mage

Mage is a build tool that we use to build Armada. It is similar to Make, but written in Go. It is used to build Armada, run tests, and run other useful commands. To see a list of available commands, run mage -l.

LocalDev Setup

LocalDev provides a reliable and extendable way to install Armada as a developer. It runs the following steps:

  • Bootstrap the required tools from tools.yaml
  • Create a local Kubernetes cluster using kind
  • Start the dependencies of Armada, including Pulsar, Redis, and Postgres.

Note: If you edit a proto file, you will also need to run mage proto to regenerate the Go code.

It has the following options to customize further steps:

  • mage localdev full - Runs all components of Armada, including the Lookout UI.
  • mage localdev minimal - Runs only the core components of Armada (such as the API server and an executor).
  • mage localdev no-build - Skips the build step; set ARMADA_IMAGE and ARMADA_TAG to choose the Docker image to use.

mage localdev minimal is what is used to test the CI pipeline, and is the recommended way to test changes to the core components of Armada.

Debug error saying that the (port 6443 is already in use) after running mage localdev full

Identifying the Conflict

Before making any changes, it's essential to identify which port is causing the conflict. Port 6443 is a common source of conflicts. You can check for existing bindings to this port using commands like netstat or lsof.

  1. The kind.yaml file is where you define the configuration for your Kind clusters. To resolve port conflicts:
  1. Locate the relevant section where the hostPort is set. It may look something like this:

    - containerPort: 6443 # control plane
      hostPort: 6443  # exposes control plane on localhost:6443
      protocol: TCP
    • Modify the hostPort value to a port that is not in use on your system. For example:
    - containerPort: 6443 # control plane
      hostPort: 6444  # exposes control plane on localhost:6444
      protocol: TCP

    You are not limited to using port 6444; you can choose any available port that doesn't conflict with other services on your system. Select a port that suits your system configuration.

Testing if LocalDev is working

Running mage testsuite will run the full test suite against the localdev cluster. This is the recommended way to test changes to the core components of Armada.

You can also run the same commands yourself:

go run cmd/armadactl/main.go create queue e2e-test-queue

# To allow Ingress tests to pass
export ARMADA_EXECUTOR_INGRESS_URL="http://localhost"

go run cmd/testsuite/main.go test --tests "testsuite/testcases/basic/*" --junit junit.xml

Running the UI

In LocalDev, the UI is built seperately with mage ui. To access it, open http://localhost:8089 in your browser.

For more information see the UI Developer Guide.

Choosing components to run

You can set the ARMADA_COMPONENTS environment variable to choose which components to run. It is a comma separated list of components to run. For example, to run only the server and executor, you can run:

export ARMADA_COMPONENTS="server,executor"

Running Pulsar backed scheduler with LocalDev

Ensure your local environment is completely torn down with

mage LocalDevStop

And then run

mage LocalDev minimal

Ensure your local dev environment is completely torn down when switching between pulsar backed and legacy setups.

If the eventsingester or the scheduleringester don't come up then just manually spin them up with docker-compose up.


The mage target mage debug supports multiple methods for debugging, and runs the appropriate parts of localdev as required.

NOTE: We are actively accepting contributions for more debugging guides!

It supports the following commands:

  • mage debug vscode - Runs the server and executor in debug mode, and provides a launch.json file for VSCode.
  • mage debug delve - Runs the server and executor in debug mode, and starts the Delve debugger.

VSCode Debugging

After running mage debug vscode, you can attach to the running processes using VSCode. The launch.json file can be found Here

For using VSCode debugging, see the VSCode Debugging Guide.

Delve Debugging

The delve target creates a new docker-compose file: ./ with the correct volumes, commands and images for debugging.

If you would like to manually create the compose file and run it yourself, you can run the following commands:

mage createDelveCompose

# You can then start components manually
docker compose -f up -d server executor

After running mage debug delve, you can attach to the running processes using Delve.

$ docker compose exec -it server bash
root@3b5e4089edbb:/app# dlv connect :4000
Type 'help' for list of commands.
(dlv) b (*SubmitServer).CreateQueue
Breakpoint 3 set at 0x1fb3800 for*SubmitServer).CreateQueue() ./internal/armada/server/submit.go:137
(dlv) c
>*SubmitServer).CreateQueue() ./internal/armada/server/submit.go:140 (PC: 0x1fb38a0)
   135: }
=> 137: func (server *SubmitServer) CreateQueue(ctx context.Context, request *api.Queue) (*types.Empty, error) {
   138:         err := checkPermission(server.permissions, ctx, permissions.CreateQueue)
   139:         var ep *ErrUnauthorized
   140:         if errors.As(err, &ep) {
   141:                 return nil, status.Errorf(codes.PermissionDenied, "[CreateQueue] error creating queue %s: %s", request.Name, ep)
   142:         } else if err != nil {
   143:                 return nil, status.Errorf(codes.Unavailable, "[CreateQueue] error checking permissions: %s", err)
   144:         }

All outputs of delve can be found in the ./delve directory.

External Debug Port Mappings:

Armada service Debug host
server localhost:4000
executor localhost:4001
binoculars localhost:4002
eventingester localhost:4003
lookoutui localhost:4004
lookout localhost:4005
lookoutingester localhost:4007

GoLand Run Configurations

We provide a number of run configurations within the .run directory of this project. These will be accessible when opening the project in GoLand, allowing you to run Armada in both standard and debug mode.

The following high-level configurations are provided, each composed of sub-configurations:

  1. Armada Infrastructure Services
    • Runs Infrastructure Services required to run Armada, irrespective of scheduler type
  2. Armada (Legacy Scheduler)
    • Runs Armada with the Legacy Scheduler
  3. Armada (Pulsar Scheduler)
    • Runs Armada with the Pulsar Scheduler (recommended)
  4. Lookout UI
    • Script which configures a local UI development setup

A minimal local Armada setup using these configurations would be Armada Infrastructure Services and one of (Armada (Legacy Scheduler) or Armada (Pulsar Scheduler)). Running the Lookout UI script on top of this configuration would allow you to develop the Lookout UI live from GoLand, and see the changes visible in your browser. These configurations (executor specifically) require a kubernetes config in $PROJECT_DIR$/.kube/internal/config

GoLand does not allow us to specify an ordering for services within docker compose configurations. As a result, some database migration services may require rerunning.

Other Debugging Methods

Run mage debug local to only spin up the dependencies of Armada, and then run the individual components yourself.

For required enviromental variables, please see The Enviromental Variables Guide.

Finer-Grain Control

If you would like to run the individual mage targets yourself, you can do so. See the Manually Running LocalDev guide for more information.