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cli-patch: generalize to-git functionality with PUSH_TO_GITHUB and PU…
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…SH_TO_REPO & enable for u-boot as well as kernel

- `PUSH_TO_REPO=<url>`: set the full git URL to push to
- `PUSH_TO_GITHUB=<org>/<repo>`: shorthand for pushing to GitHub; sets `PUSH_TO_REPO`
- note: be kind to GitHub, and use forks of torvalds/linux and u-boot/u-boot so GH has a decent base tree
  - still, kernel pushes are huge, mostly due to the all-wifi-drivers commit that's always first and always slightly different
- note: when pushing to GitHub, keep in mind the pushed branch contains a GHA workflow, which will only run if you have GHA enabled on the repo
- examples (adapt to your username/forks):
  - `./ BOARD=nanopct6 BRANCH=edge rewrite-kernel-patches PUSH_TO_GITHUB=rpardini/linux`
  - `./ BOARD=rock-5b BRANCH=legacy rewrite-uboot-patches PUSH_TO_GITHUB=rpardini/armbian-patched-u-boot`
  • Loading branch information
rpardini committed Jul 18, 2024
1 parent cc59d8a commit 89e2e7e
Showing 1 changed file with 50 additions and 30 deletions.
80 changes: 50 additions & 30 deletions lib/functions/cli/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -47,47 +47,27 @@ function cli_patch_kernel_run() {
obtain_kernel_git_info_and_makefile # this populates GIT_INFO_KERNEL and sets KERNEL_GIT_SHA1 readonly global
# </prepare the git sha1>

declare ymd vendor_lc target_repo_url summary_url
ymd="$(date +%Y%m%d)"
# lowercase ${VENDOR} and replace spaces with underscores
vendor_lc="$(tr '[:upper:]' '[:lower:]' <<< "${VENDOR}" | tr ' ' '_')-next"

declare -a push_command
push_command=(git -C "${SRC}/cache/git-bare/kernel" push "--force" "--verbose"
# prepare push details, if set
declare target_repo_url target_branch do_push="no"
declare -a push_command=()
determine_git_push_details "${LINUXFAMILY}-${KERNEL_MAJOR_MINOR}" # fills in the above; parameter is the branch name

# Prepare the host and build kernel; without using standard build
prepare_host # This handles its own logging sections, and is possibly interactive.
compile_kernel # This handles its own logging sections.

display_alert "Done patching kernel" "${BRANCH} - ${LINUXFAMILY} - ${KERNEL_MAJOR_MINOR}" "cachehit"

declare do_push="no"
if git -C "${SRC}" remote get-url origin &> /dev/null; then
declare src_origin_url
src_origin_url="$(git -C "${SRC}" remote get-url origin | xargs echo -n)"

declare prefix="${PUSH_TO_USER:-"rpardini"}/" # @TODO refactor var
# if the src_origin_url begins with the prefix
if [[ "${src_origin_url}" == "${prefix}"* ]]; then

display_alert "Git push command: " "${push_command[*]}" "info"
if [[ "${do_push}" == "yes" ]]; then
display_alert "Pushing to ${target_branch}" "${target_repo_url}" "info"
display_alert "Pushing kernel to Git branch ${target_branch}" "${target_repo_url}" "info"
git_ensure_safe_directory "${SRC}/cache/git-bare/kernel"
# @TODO: do NOT allow shallow trees here, we need the full history to be able to push
GIT_SSH_COMMAND="ssh -o GlobalKnownHostsFile=/dev/null -o UserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no" "${push_command[@]}"
display_alert "Done pushing to ${target_branch}" "${summary_url}" "info"
push_command=(git -C "${SRC}/cache/git-bare/kernel" push "--force" "--verbose" "${target_repo_url}" "kernel-${LINUXFAMILY}-${KERNEL_MAJOR_MINOR}:${target_branch}")
display_alert "Git push command: " "${push_command[*]}" "info"

display_alert "Summary URL (after push & gh-pages deploy): " "${summary_url}" "info"
return 0


## Similar stuff as kernel, but for u-boot.
@@ -108,6 +88,11 @@ function cli_patch_uboot_run() {
[[ "${GIT_INFO_UBOOT[SHA1]}" =~ ^[0-9a-f]{40}$ ]] || exit_with_error "SHA1 is not sane: '${GIT_INFO_UBOOT[SHA1]}'"
# </prepare the git sha1>

# prepare push details, if set
declare target_repo_url target_branch do_push="no"
declare -a push_command=()
determine_git_push_details "${BOARD}-${BRANCH}" # fills in the above; parameter is the branch name

# Prepare the host
prepare_host # This handles its own logging sections, and is possibly interactive.

@@ -123,4 +108,39 @@ function cli_patch_uboot_run() {
LOG_SECTION="patch_uboot_target" do_with_logging patch_uboot_target

display_alert "Done patching u-boot" "${BRANCH} - ${LINUXFAMILY} - ${BOOTSOURCE}#${BOOTBRANCH}" "cachehit"

if [[ "${do_push}" == "yes" ]]; then
display_alert "Pushing u-boot to Git branch ${target_branch}" "${target_repo_url}" "info"
git_ensure_safe_directory "${SRC}/cache/git-bare/u-boot"
push_command=(git -C "${SRC}/cache/git-bare/u-boot" push "--force" "--verbose" "${target_repo_url}" "u-boot-${BRANCH}-${BOARD}:${target_branch}")
display_alert "Git push command: " "${push_command[*]}" "info"


function determine_git_push_details() {
if [[ -n "${PUSH_TO_GITHUB}" ]]; then
display_alert "Will push to GitHub" "${PUSH_TO_REPO}" "info"

if [[ -n "${PUSH_TO_REPO}" ]]; then
declare ymd vendor_lc
ymd="$(date +%Y%m%d)"
vendor_lc="$(tr '[:upper:]' '[:lower:]' <<< "${VENDOR}" | tr ' ' '_')" # lowercase ${VENDOR} and replace spaces with underscores
display_alert "Will push to Git" "${target_repo_url} branch ${target_branch}" "info"
display_alert "Will NOT push to Git" "use PUSH_TO_GITHUB=org/repo or PUSH_TO_REPO=<url> to push" "info"

function execute_git_push() {
display_alert "Pushing to ${target_branch}" "${target_repo_url}" "info"
# @TODO: do NOT allow shallow trees here, we need the full history to be able to push
GIT_SSH_COMMAND="ssh -o GlobalKnownHostsFile=/dev/null -o UserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no" "${push_command[@]}"
display_alert "Done pushing to ${target_branch}" "${target_repo_url}" "info"

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