If the function testcase()
returns 0, the test is succesful. Put the code there.
- name of the the file is function ID.conf
- ENABLED=false|true
- RELEASE="bookworm:jammy:noble" run on specific or leave empty to run on all
testcase() {
./bin/armbian-config --api module_cockpit install
[ -f /usr/bin/cockpit-bridge ]
If you have multiple test conditions inside testcase()
and you want the test
to exit on the first failed statement, you can use the following technique:
testcase() {(
set -e
./bin/armbian-config --api pkg_install neovim
./bin/armbian-config --api pkg_installed neovim
./bin/armbian-config --api pkg_remove neovim
! ./bin/armbian-config --api pkg_installed neovim
Note the additional pair of ()
and the set -e
command inside function body.
These will cause test conditions to run inside a subshell with the -e option
enabled (exit immediately if a pipeline returns non-zero status).